Why we grow old and die

by ballistic 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Knowsnothing

    By "inherent" ability, I mean that the body can regenerate what is lost, to a great extent. And that science fails to understand the aging process as of yet, they simply do not understand the "why" of aging, considering the body continues to produce cells and regenerate. This process seemingly should go on forever, but for some reason, it ceases.

    Ok, I'll accept your position of the universe for sake of discussion. The universe and everything in it has a natural tendency to decay, and to disorganise. We are in this "spec of time" in which it is possible for life to happen. However, the universe came about as a violent explosion, spread at an enormous speed, and yet you expect me to believe that the organisation that exists with in it now, galaxies, galaxy clusters, our very own solar system, is a product of entropy? Of the polar opposite of organisation? Mind you, the burden of proof is upon you, for the universe is billions of years old, and even in that cosmic scale, in which billions of years means nothing, you have yet to account why it still remains so organised. Entropy would have taken hold immediately after the Big Bang.

    Shit would be flying around everywhere, yet it would have no order, because for it to have order goes contrary to the second law of thermodynamics.

  • Satanus

    'The universe and everything in it has a natural tendency to decay, and to disorganise.'

    No, not everywhere. As i stated, in the heart of stars fusion is taking place. It's the creation of the elements from which everything esle is made. As well, nebulae are hydrogen gas molecules collected together into huge clouds. It's generally within nebulae that stars are formed, birthed, so to speak. Not only that, many galaxies are the results of galaxies eating other galaxies. For instance, our own milky way galaxy is the result of MANY galaxies colliding.

    'However, the universe came about as a violent explosion, spread at an enormous speed, and yet you expect me to believe that the organisation that exists with in it now, galaxies, galaxy clusters, our very own solar system, is a product of entropy? Of the polar opposite of organisation? '

    Both were at work in first few minutes after the big bang. For instance, scientists theorize that during the first few minutes, matter and antimatter neutralised each other. As the dust was settling, four basic forces settled into being or existence. It is basically these four forces which guided the creation of everything, from there forward. This is somewhat like the creation of fractals, only a few rules guide the development of complex shapes.


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