I got a visit from an elder today and he brought over an invitation to the memorial, I excepted it and he said he wanted to come over for a shepherding call. I told him Monday would work for me. So him and another elder will be here on Monday at 7:30 pm. I haven't had a shepherding call in over 2 years. I have a feeling it has something to do with my new profession as a tattoo artist and word is getting around. The witnesses from my hall have been snubbing me for a long time except for one sister who comes by once every week to try to get me to come back. My son said that I don't have to except a visit from them but what do I have to be afraid of? I need a little advice....
So an elder stopped by today...
by Igot2bme 17 Replies latest jw friends
What are your intentions and expectations regarding the outcome?
The only advice I have in this type of situation is:
NEVER EVER speak with two elders at once. Cancel the call. If you don't mind being disfellowshipped, go ahead.
But really, why bother with these guys? -
Well I don't want to be DFed as of right now but I am worried I won't be able to shut my mouth about the things that I have found out. I know they are going to put me on some trip about tattooing but they don't pay my bills nor do they seem to care about my circumstances.
White Dove
I'm sorry to say this, but you're gonna be busted.
They never visit to see if there is anything they can do for you or for encouragement.
It's always a witch hunt with them.
I would cancel if I were you. Show up at the Memorial but get out of it. They are going to DF you otherwise.
There is a vast amount of experience on this forum. The best advice from all that experience is still "Don't meet with them."
Second best would be, "Don't say anything." If you won't cancel, then listen and say "Thank you." Questions are simply met with "I am here to listen, not to be questioned."The only way you could talk to these guys and not get yourself DF'ed is to kiss their asses or say nothing. SAY NOTHING.
I appreciate all of your comments and advice, and I have made the descision to cancel the call. Thank you, you guys are awesome.
Best way to cancel calls is to call the elder's phone during their meeting, which you could still do if it's tomorrow, and leave a message.
Otherwise, try to call when he's busy at work or something and leave that message. Then let his calls go to voicemail.
OTWO has given you the best advice anyone can . . . if you don't want 'DF' looming your way right now . . . don't have the meeting