The new simplified version of the WT
New simplified Watchtower
by alanv 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL @ Wasblind.
That just might account for why this year's memorial invitations are short and in "simple" English.
I don't think it's a second language issue; I think that since so many are being home-schooled by their frankly, illiterate, parents the vast majority can't comprehend anything above 1st or 2nd grade level. (disclaimer: I know not all homeschooling is bad)
punkofnice, wontleave, wasblind--all making me laugh today. Great stuff.
"This organization has never disappointed us"
Oh yes VM44,
I bet that group was dissapointed the most, they believe so much
they allowed themselves to be photograph as a testament
to that.
Oh yes Girlie, the Dick and Jane series is what
I started readin' from, and how can I forget the little dog
"HERE ARE DICK AND JANE, Dick and Jane are JW's, see the watchtower! See Jane's antidepressants!
Dick is a pioneer, Jane works full time, see Dick faking door knocks, see Jane getting lusted after by her boss.
Jane tells Dick hes a Dickhead, See elders, see loving counsel, see Jane's antidepressants, see Dick measuring his dick later just to reassure himself that hes the better type of human Eg a man.
Dick spends his free time doing the congregations accounts, Jane likes to use the internet, See Dick enjoying his priviages, see Jane in darkened room looking furtive...
Jane becomes aspostate, Dick stays true to the governing body, see Jane wearing "smoking hot" clothes and laughing in typical apostate/ harlot way. See Dick turning away from Jane in self rightoues prick manner with smug look on his face knowing that soon Jane will be killed by god and eaten by crows..."
How can they dumb down the 'bait and switch' and other mind control tactics any more?
This is a highly pertinent question to any intelligent person but to the writer's of Watchtower literature, it's a challenge. Stay tuned. Dumbed down today will seem much less dumb in a few months time.
Sorry, couldn't resist
Nice, PunkofNice, funny stuff.