does this agree with their new generation
by therevealer 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
sounds to me more like the meaning of generation that we all came to know and love, LOL
anyone else???
no, see Moses' generation overlapped with Jesus' generation. They died out after 70ce. The 1914 generation that overlapps with our generation is the....wait, I am confused.
Alligator Wisdom
Notice paragraph 12.
Ha! Another generation.
Flip-flop generations!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Good catch.
So according to paragraph 11, within a period of 40 years there were 2 generations.
Yet, in the "generation change" Watchtower last year, within the past 97 years there has only been 1 generation.
Logical inconsistencies in a WT publication! Who'd a thunk it?
Doubting Bro
good lord, they can't even keep their own definition of generation straight! They only wandered the wilderness for 40 years and Joshua was the leader when they went into Caanan. So, if a generation means people living in the same time period whose lives overlap, how could there have been 2? Because their definition of generation is a lame attempt to continue the 1919 appointment and thus their power structure.
You wonder if folks even read this stuff before its put out?
Do you think they'll discuss the overlapping generations at the memorial this year?