How big is apostasy?

by Knowsnothing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • jookbeard

    huge baby just huge!

    the WT July 15th is clearly doing the rounds now and looks like even more of this scathing attacking stuff will come from the Gibbering Body attacking us poor Apostates. The ironic thing is the biggest form of Apostacy cames from Crooklyn

  • ziddina

    Wowwiieee, Won'tLeave....

    Your post is one of the most concise indictments of the Watchtower Society that I've ever read...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I agree, WontLeave's post is a great summary of the apostasy of the "GB".

  • wobble

    I think that within the ranks of the active JW's there is a HUGE number of people who feel that a good % of what they are taught is not right.

    They hang on in there because of family, or because they still feel that overall it is the religion that has "most of the truth" and therefore God is with them.

    This is an explosion waiting to happen.

    Hence the need to put the fear of wotsit up the JW's so they stay away from anything that would nudge them toward the real Truth, the truth that the WT/JW religion is a sham.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Not big enough!


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    There is probably a little bit of apostate in most of the dubs sitting in the KH. The problem is even though they claim to all be brothers and sisters serving a loving god that really isn't the case. It is an illusion. They all live in fear of expressing any thoughts that could be taken as a sign of unbelief. If they express any doubt they know their dear brothers will throw them out and they believe their loving god will kill them. Just look at the amount of Witnesses that show up here who don't believe it yet go to the KH pretending to be believers.

    What a way to live.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I WISH we were more organized and active. I wish we could find a way to be organized and work together without the need for cult-like conformity.

  • sir82

    JWs are becoming a "meta-religion".

    There is less and less teaching about Jehovah, Jesus, Kingdom, etc.

    More and more, the content of the meetings is...."show up at the meetings!"

    The literature is about "remaining a JW".

    We'll reach a point soon where there won't be any instruction that could be construed as "religious" - it will all be about remaining loyal, remaining a witness, hate the apostates, shun your family, avoid college, avoid porn, do this, don't do that...

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