Reinstatement policy...anyone who knows please comment.

by cyberjesus 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sosad

    a friend of mine, recently reinstated, told me the policy on needing to write a letter to request reinstatment has changed. He had to wait for the local elders to contact him by phone and meet with him, after mearly asking if he was attending meetings as a means to get back into good standing. It took him about a year to get "the call" but no letter from him was ever written. He told me that was a policy change but maybe it was local. He was dfed for years, and in reinstated in a different city from where he was dfed.

  • RubaDub
    My head is spinning just trying to keep up.

    OnTheWayOut ...

    It can appear a bit confusing at first. But if you look at it in simple mathmatical terms, it is much easier to understand:

    r = Reinstatement days (mathmatically, the number of days from today that you can expect to be reinstated)

    d = days since you were originally Df'd

    x = Current Congregation coefficient of Elders' indifference (based on observation)

    y = Intermediate Congregation coefficient of Elders' indifference (based on observation)

    z = Original Congregation coefficient of Elders' indifference (based on observtion)

    t = Total number of Congregations involved

    C = A Constant

    We could express this by the following equation:

    r= t*d squared + (xyz) squared +C

    since t = 3, we arrive at:

    r = 3d squared + (xyz)squared + C

    if we differentiate it, we arrive at:

    r = 6d + 2x times 2y times 2z


    r = 6d + 8xyz

    Remember, the coefficient of indifference is an observed value always expressed as a negative number.

    So, based on the the above equation, we could plug in the values for each variable.

    Let's estimate:

    x = -15

    y= - 10 (we use the default value of -10 since you never actually attended this congregation)

    z = -18

    We will also assume that you have been disfellowshipped for 500 days (about a year and a half).

    So our equation becomes:

    r = 6(500) + (-18)(-10)(-15)

    r = 3000 -2700

    r = 300

    Based on the above coefficients of indifference, I would estimate you have about 300 days or 10 months until you will be reinstated.

    Hope this helps.

    Rub a Dub

  • DesirousOfChange

    If a DFd person shows to a KH of Congregation X and starts attending the meetings and talks to the elders and tells them he has been attending the meetings for a year in congregation Y. How will the elders in Cong Y verify that? would they need a letter, a phone call? will they check with the branch? Whats the policy?

    This will depend on the tenacity of the CongX elders who get assigned to handle the matter. If they know anyone in CongY, they will just make a phone call and inquire. If they are lazy they may trust what they have been told. If the DF person (lets call him BOB) was not real regular, or was not really known to CongY elders, the elders in CongY may not even remember Bob (even if Bob really was going semi-regular), although an unknown DFd person attending a cong does stand out at most KHs. If Bob really did go to CongY occasionally, most any elder there will not remember how much or how regular, but will remember that Bob was there from time to time. Bob will more likely be remembered if he asked for reinstatement there. SO…… if the story is a complete fake and Bob NEVER really went to CongY, I doubt this little scam will work as no one will go on record that he already has year of good attendance to his credit.

    Also if after 3 months of attending the meetings in CongX. Dfd requests reintstatement, what is the policy if Dfd was Dfd in Cong Z in another country? Will Cong Z contact Cong X and Y or only X?

    CongX MUST contact CongZ regardless of what country is involved. (I know of this personally.) It may help if Bob can provide name and address of JC Chairman in foreign country where he was DFd or else they will likely have to arrange for contact through WT Service Dept. If different language, (for example US English Cong needing to contact Mexican or European cong, CongX elders will look for US foreign language cong. elder to translate letters). The bigger the language barrier, the better for Bob. Most important will be what CongZ elders think about Bob. How "bad" was Bob? What caused him to be DFd? If CongZ elders take the "hard line" against him, he will be screwed for many months (minimum). If it was just standard DF for smoking, pornea, drunkedness, and no serious notoriety, then CongZ elders will likely follow recommendation of CongX.

  • Honesty

    Why bother?


  • cyberjesus

    Why bother? cuz due to circumstances unseen Dfd Person might need to go back in and get reinstated, purely protocollary procedure. And Dfd Person is thinking of faking Cong Y just to avoid attending meetings to Cong X for a long time. Cuz DFD person has been out for over 10 years. and needs to get back in ASAP. Problem is Dfd person doesnt really know how many people in cong Z know he is an apostate....

    Oh so confusing.

  • dozy

    lol @ rdub.

    You need also to factor in the original DF offense - lets call in S (for severity) 1 = a standard offence.

    r = s* (6d + 8xyz)

    As a rule of thumb , s would equal:

    drunkeness / smoking 0.5

    fornication (young couple bf / gf) 0.7

    adultery (married) 1

    bestiality 1 - 4 (depending on animal concerned)

    fraud 0.5 - 4 (depending on who was ripped off - worldly people = 0.5 , influential JWs up to 4 depending on status & clout)

    apostasy 100 - infinity

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