The Bible isn't monotheistic. The "only one god" theory is false. Someone can only have one God, but that doesn't preclude the existence of other gods. The confusion occurs because people fail to comprehend the various meanings of God/god. Anything that influences and controls your life is a god: Men in authority, our own obsessions, powerful spirits. Fundies believe they can trap JWs into saying something blasphemous because they are under the erroneous impression there is only one god. Witnesses fall into the trap, because they also are under the erroneous impression there is only one true god. Basically, you have the pot calling the kettle black, in this example.
My Encounter with Local Jehovah's Witnesses
by whereami 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It is almost like the term Governing Body is to holy to be mentioned by anyone other than them and if you do then you are "an apostate" anybody else pick-up on that?
"If you wanna learn, if you wanna be educated" oh dear God
WHY DO JW's ALWAYS SHOUT --- DEBATE, this is a DEBATE! what in the world is wrong with a debate other than the fact they've been brainwashed by their masters and it's a red flag to close the bookbag and run because they might learn from others not controlled. the nutbag i studied with threw that phrase up to me when interrogating what my husband thought about the religion (omigoodness, no she really didn't want to know) and i would panick (i tried not to hurt her feelings since she was a HARDLINER) and she'd always say that all he'd want to do is debate since he's so educated --- and they wonder why people think they're crazy - DUH!
oh, and the phrase she used in video, "if you want to learn the Bible," another one of their slogans. it's nauseating.
They're so rude. Nothing excuses that kind of obnoxious, stuck up behaviour. They are so quick to knock on everyone's door, yet that's their attitude. What a fine "witness"!
"He's an apostate, let's go" and just stomps off. It's no wonder so many people have no time for them.
and really they throw sayings at you like he's an apostate. well they take for granted that people should speak watchtower ease. the interviewer should've said, what's an apostate? Watchtower slogans is true. I watch a clip once that how do i say. It called some phrases conversation ending cliche's(no accent mark on my key board) . one commenter said she did well but really she didnt allow a rebuttal they are only programmed for one sided conversations. really allowing someone a rebuttal is not debating.I think i noticed as she read the wind getting knocked out of her sails.As a witness I had experienced this also.I had my contrived argument set up and prepared had the trinity brochure ready and my cousin pounded me with scripture after scripture. i thought the scriptures i was using would back me but as i read i gave him ammo. whats the word/s cognative dissonence. hope i espelled it right. thats my take
heckle & jeckle
Her reaction is not surprising, sadly. The WT armors them with that persecution complex, where anything that hints at opposing orthodoxy according to the Watchtower turns on the defenses, convincing them they must be right because a representative from Babylon the Great is attacking them. As others said, you can't convince them until they are ready to listen to you.
Found Sheep
i was her 10 years ago
"He's an apostate. Let's go." is code for "Oh, crap! Somebody who knows how to argue with us."
JWs really believe that without them nobody can know anything. If you're an ex-JW, unbelieving JW's family member, or an ex-study, in their minds, you're an apostate. If you know about the Governing Body, you must have learned it from them. People so programmed against independent research can't fathom anyone knowing anything without the Society to spoon-feed it.
JWs believe they are familiar with the Bible, because they are told they are. They are told they have a scriptural education that rivals and exceeds any college degree. Witnesses are convinced the Governing Body is this group of men who - like the apostles - have the Scriptures opened to them by Holy Spirit. In reality, the only reason JWs gain any headway with the people at the doors ever, is because most people know nothing about the Bible and are completely apathetic.
Nearly every JW I've ever seen in action falls apart if their sales pitch gets side-tracked. It's embarrassing how many elders and pioneers I've had to bail out at the doors because they were making us look like idiots. More often than not, someone who says anything other than answers to their leading and fake "personal interest" questions is labelled as "combative".
Some people take offense to someone knocking on their door and telling them about the Bible. When people say they have their own church and the JW continues, it's obvious that the JW discounts their church. At this point, some may understandably get defensive. JWs, not being able to handle any resistance - because the presentation didn't go like it did at the Theocratic Ministry School demonstration - go to pieces, leave, and talk smack about the person in the car. I've heard so many times how "they're rejecting Jehovah, not me." What? I've had excellent return visits with people nobody could ever get anywhere with. JWs refuse to understand this simple concept: Nobody cares about the stupid Watchtower! Show them something useful from the Bible!
I've discovered JWs are very uncomfortable around anyone who actually is familiar with the Bible; especially if they know you're not obsessing over the Watchtower articles. And most elders hate anyone who obviously has a more firm grasp on the Scriptures, especially if they have decided that one is "spiritually weak" because they don't worship the Society the way they're supposed to.
She got the heck out of dodge when he mentioned the GB
JW's hold more reverence for the GB than Jesus. My one
wish is to be in the mist of the GB with a Taser
I'd light their hindparts up, I'd get many as I could
before they subdue me, ole Wuz would go down