Cheating On-line

by EmptyInside 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    Well,this is from someone who for years only had conventions and assemblies to look for potential dates and without much

    And it really is hard to meet people and then,I feel right now,is not the best time anyway. But,I have explored on-line options. And it turns out,most men on there are married. They just want fun on the side.

    I'm just wondering,do you think that going on-line makes it easier for people to cheat on their significant others. I think too,some feel that if they never meet in person,it's not really cheating.

    Well,from a very bad experience I had, and I regretfully must add,I fell hard for this person. I will only meet people in person,and then,still proceed with caution.

    I think I would feel very betrayed if my boyfriend/husband was talking to other women on-line,in an over familiar way. I may forgive him once if nothing happened physically,but I don't think I could trust him again. Am I being oversensitive in this?

  • tenyearsafter

    I think that many men (and women) indulge their fantasies by dabbling online. There are also a segment that are using online services as the local "meat market" for hook ups. With that being said, I don't think that online dating services are out of the question...they give you a chance to be exposed to a much larger group of people than you might be able to meet in your regular circle. Some services, like E-Harmony, are more relationship oriented, and thus more likely to attract people interested in that. Online dating is like any other venue for dating...go in with your eyes open and don't fall for a "good line"! Good luck...I know of a number of online success stories, so don't get discouraged.

  • jamiebowers

    I'm so sorry this happened to you, my sweet girl. I have to agree with Tenyearsafter that E-Harmony may be a better option than just any dating website. I also think that joining clubs and/or service organizations will help you to meet eligible men. And you aren't being too sensitive about married men pursuing other women. It's disappointing and insulting when it happens, because the man is not who he said he is, and he's trying to fool you...JERKS!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    How did you find out that your Romeo was married?

  • Snoozy

    This is a sore spot with me. I or no one I know has had experience with this but after being on the boards for over 10 years I have seen it come called harmless flirting. It churns my stomach because I feel they are unhappy in their own relationship and they are going about it the wrong way to correct it..

    Some are just plain selfish looking out for their own little thrill..without any regard for their loved ones.

    To me there is no such thing as harmless flirting..I feel it may someday lead to something greater..and cause them more pain and others more pain then they can even imagine..not worth it.

    If you are unhappy in a relationship get out..otherwise be faithful to your loved one and talk with them and try to find a way to be happy. It can be done!

    There is no such thing as "harmless flirting" just makes you look low class on the boards..


  • Snoozy

    Regarding on line Dating services..think you are safe?

    LOS ANGELES – A California woman has sued popular website, saying she was sexually assaulted by a man she met through the online dating service.
    The civil lawsuit filed Wednesday in Los Angeles Superior Court contends the alleged assailant had previously faced sex crime charges and that the website could have prevented the attack if it had checked his criminal background. The woman suing the website is an entertainment executive identified in court documents only as Jane Doe.
    Her attorney Mark L. Webb said his client was attacked at her home by Alan Paul Wurtzel after the two went on a second date at Urth Caffe in West Hollywood last year.
    Wurtzel's attorney Sharon Morris said the incident involving Webb's client was "a consenting sexual encounter between two consenting adults."
    A court spokeswoman could not confirm whether charges had been filed in connection with the recent court case.
    In a separate case, Wurtzel was charged with two felony sexual assault counts in Los Angeles Superior Court last year. He pleaded not guilty to those charges. The case's next court date is April 26.
    The civil suit filed Wednesday demands that screen its members for sexual predators. The lawsuit asks for a temporary injunction barring the site from signing up more members until Webb's client's demands are met.
    Webb said basic screening would have prevented the attack and revealed Wurtzel's history. attorney Robert Platt said the company can't be expected to screen users.
    "Then you'd have to ask for people's social security numbers, which they don't want to do. And of course you'd have to pass on the cost to the consumer of doing this," he said.
    The company has no liability, he claimed. "There is a provision on the website saying that they're not liable for this, and it lets people know that they're not providing this service and people use it at their own risk."

    Do it at your own risk!


  • EmptyInside

    Yes, Snoozy,I saw that story today. I personally am taking a break from on-line dating,but you can find weirdos anywhere,even at the Kingdom Hall.

    Actually,though,I always felt a bit safer with the "brothers",maybe that was a false sense of security,but my radar for creep alert was strong. Plus,I always knew at least a couple people who knew them. But,then,everyone knew who you were interested in.

    Broken Promises,maybe I'll tell you the rest of the story on facebook one day. It's still raw for me now.

    I'm not the victim though,his wife is. I threatened to blow his cover. I'm not going to though,but I thought he deserved to sweat it out a bit.

  • Robdar

    When I used on line dating services, I found out that most of the men were married too. I had one situation where the guy told me that he wanted to be honest with me and let me know he was married. I asked him why he didnt show a little of that honesty to his wife. That perhaps if he did, he wouldn't be so miserable in his marriage. Well, low and behold, he actually did talk to his wife about how miserable he was and found out that she was equally unhappy. They went to marriage counseling. He occasionally emails to see how I'm doing. He and his wife are still married and actually happy together. As a matter of fact, they just took a trip to Hawaii together.

  • tenyearsafter

    The rule of thumb for most online dating services are:

    Men lie about their marital status, height and hair follicles...

    Women lie about their age and weight...and both sexes typically post pictures that are at least 10 years old!

  • HintOfLime

    Personally, I say skip the dating sites and join Find groups that spark your interest. Go to meetings, volunteer, be a good person and help others. Unlearn anything you learned about JW social life (it's all wrong), and observe. Don't think about gender. When you're ready, it'll happen.

    Oh, and buy some good clothes.

    - Lime

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