Unfortunately, it is one of the possibilities, yes, dear WS (the greatest of love and peace to you!). From heart, kidney, liver, or other "failure." It's an especial risk if one is careless with the dosage/timing of one's insulin intake; however, diabetic coma is a risk, even without being on insulin (and can result from either too much insulin - which results in low blood sugar or hypoglycemia... or too high blood glucose or hyperglycemia). It is not overly common, though, so no need for alarm.
But the general populations' lack of knowledge... and very erroneous assumptions... about diabetes is astounding. And, I believe, highly contributory to the epidemic. Most think it's easily manageable and the "fault" of the diabetic... which results in many diabetics hiding... or denying... their disease. Especially young folks. To their GREAT detriment.
Such is what occurs when we live in a society (such as the "western" world) where non-apparent illness and disease is... well, shameful, even considered worse than murder by some, because the patient "can do something about it"... and run by pharmaceutical conglomerates that make HUGE profits off such illnesses. They're finding out, however, that some of these "preventable" diseases are not only not preventable... but induced. By all kinds of things, including (maybe even especially) many pharmaceuticals/medications. Note the disclaimers on today's drug commercials (MANY now admit "may cause increase in blood glucose").
Your servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,