Can someone PLEASE scan the Watchtower dated 7-15-11 and PM me. Im going public. People need to be warned about this CULT. Im done sitting on the sidelines watching

by foolsparadise 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • JonathanH

    People care about what the media tells people to care about, Wontleave. If there is some massacre going on in a third world country and it's on some guy's blog, nobody cares. If there is a flood in some country and every 24 hour news network is covering it non stop, people break out their check books. People care about what they see in front of them. It kind of goes to the old quandry that if you saw a child drowning in a lake you wouldn't hesitate to jump in and save that child even if it meant ruining your nice shoes, the suit or dress your wearing, maybe a cell phone in your pocket, and have to pay to replace them, or just not have them. But if a child is starving half way around the globe, you can easily justify buying the nice shoes, the cell phone, and suit, instead spending tha money to get that child some food, medicine and an education. We care about what we see. The media shows us what to care about. If Fox news, NBC, and CNN were all doing a running series about the cult practices of the JWs, people would care.

    However I think it's a ridiculous long shot that any news network would think that this is a story they can get people riled up enough over to bring in ratings. Because ultimately that's how news networks decide what to show people. Is this a story we can pump up enough to get everyone to care about it and tune in to our coverage, and thus earn revenue on advertising? All stories compete for space and air time and whichever editors deem the most profitable are deemed the most important, and get on the news.

    I agree that most of the people that care about this are here and not in an anchor chair unfortunately. It's a long shot, and I certainly won't discourage foolsparadise from trying. But I would tell him to temper his expectations. Scientology is a far more obvious, corrupt and insane religious organization and it only occasionally gets a blurb from a journalist exploring it. I wouldn't expect any hard hitting exposes over a couple of magazines telling families to watch out for ambiguous liars, and shunning members.

  • Reality79

    I admire the OP's passion, but I'd have to agree with the above comments. In the bigger scheme of things, no one really gives a shit cos the witnesses are the last thing on their minds right now with everything going on in the world.

    True, people should be made aware of this nasty cult, but right now the average person is worrying about where the next job/meal is coming from and simply don't have the time nor desire to concern themselves with this group. It's passionate to US because we've been through it, but not to most folks.

    Good luck though.

  • Snoozy

    Oh but they have a good reason for their shunning policy, it is for the good of the person and also protects the flock from least that is what they say. And believe. At least they have tried to convince themselves it is the truth.

    Snoozy..who has no patience for their warped reasonings..

  • LV101

    I ADMIRE YOUR desire to stand up to this EVIL. since bad news sells and they are sending molesters (and only God knows who else) door to door --- just maybe the folks might want to know. any negative exposure (truth) that protects individuals is good.

    It is very sad what you are dealing with and i don't think people are too fond of religions any more (compared to yrs. ago) and the breaking up of families doesn't sit well with most people --- especially over a magazine/real estate co. w/free labor d/b/a a religion w/all the government protection. i've had people ask me about their shunning, abusive, nature yrs. ago, but had no idea at that time. people think they are a crazy bunch of losers and it's so embarrassing.

  • sizemik

    I sympathise with your feelings and situation . . . but have to agree with much of the above . . .

    My feelings are that the issue most likely to attract attention is child sexual abuse . . . if that got some momentum and increased exposure, the other damaging aspects of this cult would perhaps become add-ons.

    The media / ratings principle is valid . . . and there's heaps of "competition" for public attention. Media is not necessarily the first port of call . . . certain government agencies can be 'put on notice' and feel obliged to act . . . and Media attention can follow. Once again, the child sexual abuse issue is the best place to start.

    My thoughts anyway

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There is an Eastern, Ivy League, liberal bias to news coverage. It once was greater. The Internet is making it less so. I care passionately about the JW b/c it was such a malevolent influence on my life for years and against my will. I was born in. No choice was exercised. Unless someone Witness KH drinks a batch of posioned kool aid on purpose, no one cares.

    Besides, Americans believe in Free Exercise of religion almost absolutely. It is our largest myth. Even with Scientologists and Mormons, the stories are a curiosity. If the new executives were affected, we'd see coverage. They are highly educated and urbane. It is highly unlikely they know a sad, personal story. the Witnesses are destructive but so many much worse situations exist.

    I lived in Montclair, NJ, a bedroom community of Manhattan. We had more newcasters in residence, stores were used for commercials, documentaries were filmed. It was a very affluent, college town.

    /what would be helpful would be public awareness concerning controlling groups. The processes are more important than doctrine. I recall when the Moonies were in their ascendancy. Public officials called for outlawing them. An elected official said the Moonies were weird, a definite threat but mentioned that his sister was a reclusive nun who lived in a convent with no outside contact for decades. It destroyed his parents. Yet there was no bandwagon to outlaw convents and monasteries.

    Aren't they infuriating with their snideness and certainty?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This same conversation seems to be an endless loop on this site. Recently, someone wanted to write a letter declaring their freedom to Bethel. One poster said the best way would be to leave cheap rosary beads on a KH doorknob. I laughed so hard b/c it is right on. A smurf doll would add to the spell.

  • tec

    FoolsParadise, you do what you need to do. If you've helped just a few people, or even gotten some to question the jw knocking on their door about some hypocritical passages and keeping those people out, then you've done something worthwhile.

    A lot of people don't care, its true... not unless it directly affects them. But some don't care because they just don't know. Imo, the biggest issue with jw's, to an outsider, is the blood issue. That's what they're most known for, to the average joe. That and the annoying early morning knocking on the door on Saturday.

    Don't forget to live (and find enjoyment) in your own life though, too.

    Peace to you,


  • Kensho

    What wontleave said- spot on don't waste your time foolsparadise

    Kensho Satori

  • AGuest

    I have to agree with dear tec, dear FP (peace to you both!). Do what YOU have to do. Who knows but that it'll be the "straw" that breaks the camel's back (or at least, get it to start sagging)... than the big load? Just stay honest and have your facts correct. Don't make up false accusations... don't go after individual persons who've harmed you... and don't gloat/rejoice over whatever "victories" you might experience. Otherwise, your motives are entirely out of place (you are seeking vengeance rather than trying to expose their falsity) and it may end up being you who is "conquered."

    May JAH bless and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


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