Six Screens

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Any opinion that you'd like to share regarding Six Screens?

    (I don't get the fascination, but Rick has succeeded in making us know his site, hasn't he?)

  • undercover

    You shit stirrer you...

  • sabastious

    WTF Minimus?

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i'd really like to attend a meeting with minimus conducting the watchtower study.

  • Angharad

    I think most people have given their opinions on the mulitple other threads, so I'm wondering what the point of this one is !

  • james_woods

    At first, I thought it was merely a somewhat weird & quirky effort by a somewhat weird & quirky exJW.

    I never understood the "worldwide protests" that involved about 3 people standing in front of a KH with some banner. I was not aware of the previous questionable behavior that has now been coming out after the Johnny affair.

    The way this whole "Johnny the Bethelite" thing has worked out, though, indicates to me that the owner (Fearon) is delusional and may well be suffering from some mental disorder. For sure, he comes across as a self-centered egomaniac.

    What is even more puzzling to me is how respected members of the ex-JW community can still go on the six-screens agenda after all this has happened over the past few weeks. I would like to think that they were just not aware of the Johnny insanity.

    In particular, I would very much expect to see Barbara Anderson renounce six screens, and tell her Australian contact Steven Unthank to stay away from it.

    I also think it is pointless for Publishing Cult to try to go on the conference call to expose Johnny - I believe he should do it here for all to see.

  • NomadSoul

    I think they're legit.

  • pirata

    6 screens would be cool, but you'd need a pretty powerful computer, and does one really need that much resolution?

    I'd prefer just to play on a projector or something similar.

  • wannabefree

    Pesonally, Six Screens did help me stay an active believer at the Kingdom Hall certain that apostates were just nasty. The first video I saw of Rick's was when he and his wife were acting as if they were in the ministry and invited in to a house by a man to discuss the Bible. While the message may have been accurate, my first impression of Rick was that he was very condescending and juvenile in his approach, I found him offensive. As a Witness, I could in no way relate to how he and his wife were acting in that video.

    Rick may be helpful to some, I personally couldn't accept his message the way presented as my first stop to learning the truth about The Truth. I am greatful especially for, this allowed me to open up to (which I previously avoided figuring Randy was demonic) which opened me up to this website and then I could handle Six Screens and take it with a grain of salt.

    Thats just my opinion and first impression.


    This Lady has a Big Pickle from the Bethel Kitchen..

    Rick is going to interview it on Six Screens ..

    mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco ...OUTLAW

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