The latest July 15 WT - un-real.

by just n from bethel 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I don't have much to say. I've been trying for some time to find the motiviation I needed to completely leave the cult behind. I'm mean, do it emotionally as well as mentally (whole-souled, right?), despite still having a lot of family and friends that are cult members. I have one immediate family member that I hope one day will realize it's a cult. How could anybody read this Watchtower and not see it?

    A lot has already been said about this WT but here's another example to me - that says it all:

    "All such idle and troublesomebehavior can distract
    us from the God-assigned work of
    Kingdom preaching. If we stop actively supporting
    Jehovah’s work, then we start following
    Satan. There is no middle ground.
    —Matt.12:30." From the article 'Will you heed Jehovah's clear warnings?' p. 18 pgph 15.

    I'd like, actually, to thank the WT for this whole series of articles - coming right out and saying what I already knew as to how the GB thinks of anyone that is inactive. To me this entire WT says more than just about anything I recall being printed by them recently.

    So Watchtower, GB, I figure you're reading this - so...thank you. Thank you for making it so easy for me to know I made the right decision to move on from your authoritarian cult. This couldn't have come at a better time. It truly is meat in it's due season. Best of luck as you continue to whip the sheep. I hope your beatings go well.

    For everybody else on JWN, I'd like to say how enlightened this article has made me when it comes to how bad some of you were treated. I always thought, because my experiences in the org were rather mundane and without any real negative incidents in my congregations, I figured those that did get the crappy treatment or worse, were just a rarity. I thought they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That the men or congregation or families that treated you unjustly and subjected you to unchristian anguish, I thought they were not really following the official direction. Now I realize it's not true. They were following the official direction of the society. The society truly had/has contempt for you, and I never really saw it until now. I'm sorry. I hope you all recover, move on, and lead lives that are full and meaningful. I realize that it will mean a different spiritual journey for probably every individual here. Who am I to say that one's chosen path is not right? It may not be right for me - but I'm not God and I sure as hell am not going to play God like the Watchtower.

    Simon - thanks for this forum. It's probably kept me from going postal.

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    There is no middle ground.

    That's the exact black and white thinking that sucks the life out of cult members.

  • Morbidzbaby
    If we stop actively supporting
    Jehovah’s work, then we start following
    Satan. There is no middle ground.

    And this is exactly why my own mother told me that I'm "on Satan's side". She didn't come right out and say it in those terms, but she said "If you're not on Jehovah's side and following the FDS, then you're on Satan's side". It's THIS kind of absolute BULLSHIT that tears families apart.

  • LostGeneration

    Its a doozy all right. Its almost like you can see the handwriting that they are gonna start DFing faders and/or even inactive ones. I hope they do, it will wake plenty up once they start dragging people into JCs for meeting attendance or lack of FS time.

  • sir82
    If we stop actively supporting
    Jehovah’s work, then we start following
    Satan. There is no middle ground.

    Scary sounding sentence.

    I've always taken the "they're gonna start DF-ing inactives" with a large rock of salt, but this does seem to be a much heavier statement than they've made in the past.

    The boulder of salt has shrunk to to a pebble.

  • Heaven

    If we stop actively supporting
    Jehovah’s work, then we start following
    Satan. There is no middle ground.

    So people with degenerative brain diseases who can no longer 'actively support Jehovah's work' are now of Satan?!!

    I hope my Dad doesn't read this piece of crap!

  • Retrovirus

    What most struck me was the description of "money, a good job and nice things" as "unrealities" (first article para 16). this is supported by an illustration of a huge house, car, yacht, swimming pool and gold bars on a ridiculously crumbling cliff.

    So, are they trying to push the believers into total lunacy? A house, large or small is real. It is a necessity, most especially when you have children. A job to pay life's expenses is also real and necessary. It cannot be confused with desiring improbable luxuries.

    And if these are not real, what is? Apparently the current interpretation of the "feelings" of a cranky god with a mispronounced name.


  • NewYork44M

    We should thank the Watchtower to distinctly state that there is no middle ground. Had they allowed otherwise, I probably still would be in.

  • alias


    Standing my ground in the middle or otherwise as I see fit.



  • WTWizard

    So, I assume that, instead of buying silver, I should be putting all my money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. OK, maybe I should be all the way on the other side and put all my money into silver, trusting in silver instead of in Jehovah, and not even one kaputnik (1/100 penny) into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And, I won't be out in field circus because I will be too busy working to acquire more silver until the dollar doesn't buy any more.

    At which point, it will be impossible for anyone to afford field circus. And then everyone will be on Satan's side.

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