Anybody who is desperate for an invitation!
Here is your own to the memorial and the special talk:
by wobble 12 Replies latest jw friends
Anybody who is desperate for an invitation!
Here is your own to the memorial and the special talk:
They seem to have pretty much blanketed the area with their invites, I have seen some in clients homes, so I think the 30 hour thing has given impetus to the campaign, and now the Dubs are feelling the Big A is soooooo close, that is why I got the call.
Hey Nugget, I got an invite shoved through the door last week, I am so worthy !
I wonder how they will feel when hardly any respond to all the fliers, people don't even read crap like that, they chuck it, and also how they will feel when they are asked to do something similar next year, and the year after that ?
Our Kingdom Ministry early 2014 "Excitement is mounting as Memorial Season is nearly upon us, it is now nearly one hundred years since Jesus sat down on his Heavenly Throne................." as they read this crap most Dubs must be thinking by then "so surely it is time he got off his arse and did something !"
I'm a little surprised , there is a elder who lives down the street from me , and has stop by on occassions to see if I wanted to come back. No invite to the memorial bash...yet. Btw when is it?