Raymond Franz /key and gate

by Masterji 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Masterji

    How many of you agree with Amazing that Ray Franz "handed you the key" and that "his writings became the gate to ...liberty?"


  • Fredhall

    He handed you the key to your grave.

  • Valentine

    While I realize RF's works have helped so many,I had found my gate and key way before I even heard of Coc. So no,for me I have to disagree. regards,Tina

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • Hmmm

    I think that most of us are our own gatekeepers.

    The information was there before Ray Franz shared it, and many of us didn't even read his writings until years after it was published. He presents it in a very compelling, non-threatening way, and certainly adds weight with his "insider's" view, but most who would read his books were probably looking to validate doubts they already had.


  • lv4fer

    I think I've had doubts for a long time especially after they changed the generation thing. But reading Ray's books just cement what I already thought, making it not just my thought but facts. It is giving me the courage to try to make the right changes.

  • voltaire

    I would say he has made me feel more comfortable walking out the door. I don't think anyone else "holds the key". But we do need a little encouragement sometimes to take such a large step as that.

  • Valis

    He was much more like a "New Light" to me. When I left I had no idea who he was.


    Hey Masterji,I knew it was all crap long before CoC came out,although it did help fill in some of the blanks.I believe it did help people who were blind to WBTS corruption...OUTLAW

  • seedy3

    Ray was never really an influence on my deciding to leave, I was however starting to doubt the WTS about the time of the 1975 blunder. But even then I felt it was the truth, but just had a hard time understanding how if God was behind them, that they could blunder that bad. I never really read any of his works, however I have read some quotes from his book, here and there. I actually fell away when I saw the unfair way they treated people, I mean if you were a Regular Pioneer, you were almost like a saint to them. When asking for help as a "weak publisher" you were not really given much "real" help. About the only help I saw was a good talking to from the elders to get back to the meetings, and Jehovah would make things right. Well I guess that never happened, so I took matters in my own hands and made matters right on my own, by leaving this bunch of blind mice. Life is much better now. I do not have to balance God and my supporting my family. I don't have to live in fear of doing a wrong and God/WTS spanking me if I foul up. My life is much better, and much happier without the WTS telling me how I should live it.


  • belbab

    I woke up in winter of 1967/68. Disfellowshipped in 1973. After circuit servants set up a sting searching for information, by getting one of my friends to invite spies to supper.

    At the door after the evening was over, I asked the couple what if anything did I say wrong that evening. The man said, nothing, butif I ever hear you talking like that to anyone else, I will report you.

    There was no place in the Org. for me, I was marked, from head to tail. I moved back to my native place in Western Canada. I letter from the district servant, Laurier Saumur, was forwarded to the elders, and gave the false testimony of the one sent to eat with me.

    This was long before, Ray Franz, left. I have met Ray, and spent some time with him in Atlanta, at his place of residence. I enjoyed immensely his books, they validated my own thoughts that I had already discovered.


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