How many received the memorial invitation?

by IMHO 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    None for me, but theres still time

    They forgot last year too.

  • DagothUr

    No invitation. Also, none of the people on my street got invited.

  • StoneWall

    I got one.

    Last year I received two.

    The year before that if memory serves me correctly I got three.

    I see a pattern forming.

    If this keeps up, next year I shouldn't receive any since it appears to be going down by one each year.

  • sarahkate

    None for me, in fact haven't seen any jdubs in our area at all

  • poppers

    I did - told the guy he was in a cult that destroys families; he chuckled and said everyone has their viewpoint and then he left quickly.

  • Pig

    Are JW families forced by the elders to ring you?

    My folks know there is no chane, 0% of me going, yet they uncomfortably ask me.

    I just say ok, thanks for letting me know, then they awkwardly hang up.

    Yes I got the leaflet. They left it in my mail .

    I just swore to myself and scrunched it up and threw it in the recyle bin.

    Fucking loosers

    get a life

  • scotinsw

    One through my letterbox. They don't know that i'm an ex witness - only recently moved to the area and dont know and witnesses around here.

    My family hasnt mentioned it this year which is strange...cant make up my mind wether to go or not...i dont believe a word of it but it still makes me realise exactly why i left

  • LotusFlower1

    We had one slipped under our door a few weeks ago....not sure who left it. Then a week ago, 2 "sisters" dropped by. Its so annoying...Im about to have a baby in a couple months & we have 2 huge dogs. Nobody EVER drops by unexpectadly except for these idiots. If they come by and my baby is sleeping & they make my dogs bark...there will be hell to pay. I was nice but did not take the pamphlet from them, as we already had one too many in the house.

    Oh, and then 2 nights ago, we were having some beautifully hot weather so I had all the windows and doors open (with screens). I thought I heard my husband pull in the driveway from work, and I just stayed in my chair. My normally-quite-friendly dog ran to the front door. I saw "my husband" pass by the window out of the corner of my eye, but then he didn't open the door which I found was weird. And nobody knocked. My dog started snarling, which is unlike him. Then my mean dog ran to the front door....I am so thankful she didn't jump through the screen, she was LIVID.

    So I got up and cautiously went to the door. It was a jw who wanted to 'personally invite my hubby to the memorial'. I used to be a jw & Im not df'd or da'd...but they know Im NEVER going back. lol. I am so shocked but thankful my dog didnt attack him....I REALLY WISH THOSE IDIOTS WOULD NOT DROP BY!!!!

    So long story short, we received one actual invite, but were verbally invited 4 times (my sibling also invited me over the phone)

  • boyzone

    Nothing. Haven't had an invite verbally or written since I left 4 years ago despite being surrounded by witnesses and have family in. Shows how much 21 years of friendship really means. Ah stuff 'em

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    A young man came to give me an invite. We spoke on the doors for 2 hours. I believe he has doubts and I am hopeful that he will get out of the org before it sucks away more of his life.

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