Another magazine question. of the magazines that actualy get placed by the JW's. Once the door is closed, how many house holders do you think will actualy read them? or do they mostly get throw straight in the bin/fire?
of the mags that get placed, how many get read?
by highdose 17 Replies latest jw friends
I had calls who seemed to read them more thoroughly than i did. It was quite embarassing when they mentioned something I hadn't read. Being in sales I could usually blag that I knew what they were talking about!
For the last ten years I was in I never read any of them....and I was a third gen born in. They were just a rehash of the same crap over and over and over.......
I liked some of the Awake articles up until they'd start tying in the subject to God. At that point I'd usually close the magazine.
I would honestly put a number of about 1% (or less) - both for magazines "placed" and for actual witnesses who ended up with them.
An incredible waste of material and effort.
In every cong I was in, the actual number of mags reported as placed on FS slips was about 1/2 what the cong ordered. Now, how many of those ever got read? I'll bet there were more worldlys that read them that the JWs. Still, I doubt if it was 10% of what was printed.
BtW Highdose - congrats on your 1000th post!
100th post? wow! i didn't even realise! ... evidently thats proof that i'm a full fledged apostate now! :) On memorial day too thats good ;)
You might be surprised... I saw a homeless couple sitting in a bus shelter yesterday, and the man was reading an Awake! magazine. When the bus pulled up I thought the guy would throw the magazine away or leave it behind, but he didn't. He marked his place and took the magazine on the bus with them.
Heck, I even read some of the articles if I see a clean magazine on a bus bench or somewhere. It's not about believing what you read, at least not with me. It's more about having something to do while waiting around, and seeing what other people believe. It's food for thought.
The WT was once the largest publisher in the world. Even porn magazines are suffering in the internet age. I still think there is a place for literature, but door knocking and mags are not the most effective means to reach people. The evangelical church is growing exponentially because of the power of the Spirit with a fraction of the man hours involved. In God's providence, hopefully some who read even cultic material will start thinking about biblical things and find the true God. Unfortunately, others will be deceived by the indoctrination studies of WT literature that are not really Bible studies, just book studies that twist Scripture.