Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-17-11 WT Study (FEBRUARY 15, 2011, pages )(APPROVAL)
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“You yourself will bless anyone righteous, O Jehovah; as with a large shield,
with approval you will surround them.”—PS. 5:12.
1, 2. What request did Elijah
make of the widow in Zarephath,
and what assurance did he give
THE woman and her son were hungry,
and so was God’s prophet. As this widow
in Zarephath got ready to light a cooking
fire, the prophet Elijah asked her for water
and bread. She was willing to give him something
to drink, but all she had for food was
“a handful of flour in the large jar and a little
oil in the small jar.” She felt that she was in
no position to give the prophet any food,
and she told him so.—1 Ki.17:8-12.
There was a drought in Israel…not just this woman was suffering want. Elijah had already performed miracles—which ones?
Is the WTS saying that we should give to the WTS out of our want?
Was the widow an Israelite?
God was providing for this Gentile woman even while many Jews were suffering in the famine. Interestingly, in Deuteronomy 32:21, God had warned the nation of Israel that He would make them envious of those who were not His chosen people.
2 “From what is there make me a small
round cake first,” persisted Elijah, “and you
must bring it out to me, and for yourself and
your son you can make something afterward.
For this is what Jehovah the God of Israel
has said, ‘The large jar of flour itself will
not get exhausted, and the small jar of
oil itself will not fail.’”—1 Ki. 17:13, 14.
Why did Elijah go to a Gentile woman? Was Jezebel still looking for him?
3. What important issue is set before
3 The issue before the widow was more
critical than deciding what to do with her
last bit of food. Would she trust in Jehovah
to save her and her son, or would she put
her material needs ahead of gaining God’s
approval and friendship? A similar question
stands before all of us. Will we show greater
concern for gaining Jehovah’s approval
than for seeking material security? We have
every reason to trust and serve God. And
there are steps we can take to seek and gain
his approval.
So what was her basis for trusting in the Israelite God? Had she heard of miracles? Why was God more interested in a Gentile than the Israelites who were suffering severe hunger?
Was she seeking material security or survival?
‘You Are Worthy to Receive Worship’
4. Why is Jehovah worthy of receiving our worship?
4 Jehovah has the right to expect that
humans will serve him acceptably. A group
of his heavenly servants confirmed that fact
in unison, saying: “You are worthy, Jehovah,
even our God, to receive the glory and
the honor and the power, because you created
all things, and because of your will they
existed and were created.” (Rev. 4:11) By reason
of his Creatorship, Jehovah is worthy of
our worship.
“the right to expect” where is the love?
At least the angels had seen God, lived in the heavenly realm, eye-witnessed his doings.
Having made something used by others, does that require special treatment by those who use it?
God’s prophet placed what
important issue before
a needy mother?
5. Why should God’s love motivate us to serve
5 Another reason for us to serve Jehovah is
His matchless love for us. “God proceeded to
create the man in his image,” states the Bible,
“in God’s image he created him; male
and female he created them.” (Gen. 1:27)
Man is a free moral agent with the God given
ability to think and to make decisions.
By giving us life, Jehovah became Father to
humankind. (Luke 3:38) Like any good father,
he has done everything to provide
what his sons and daughters need in order
to enjoy life. “He makes his sun rise” and
“makes it rain,” so that planet Earth produces
abundant food for us against a backdrop
of beautiful surroundings.—Matt. 5:45.
“Another reason” but the first the WTS sets out.
Just being a “sperm donor” doesn’t make one a good father.
Obviously in the story above, God’s provisions are not consistent.
6, 7. (a) What harm did Adam bring upon all his
descendants? (b) What will Christ’s sacrifice do for
those who seek God’s approval?
6 Jehovah has also rescued us from the
terrible consequences of sin. By sinning,
Adam became like a gambler who steals
from his family to engage in gambling. By
rebelling against Jehovah, Adam robbed his
children of their prospect—eternal happiness.
His selfishness reduced humankind to
slavery under a cruel master, imperfection.
All humans are thus bound to get sick, experience
sadness, and eventually die. Freeing a
slave requires a payment, and Jehovah has
made the payment that can save us from
those dreadful consequences. (Read Romans
5:21.) Acting in harmony with his Father’s
will, Jesus Christ gave “his soul a ransom
in exchange for many.” (Matt. 20:28)
Soon the full benefits of that ransom payment
will accrue to those who gain God’s
Rescued us…according to the Bible, the people before the flood lived longer, had better health…
Did Adam or did both Adam and Eve rob their children….Does the WTS hold Adam more responsible?
Does God make the payment or does the WTS require that jws make a payment?
Gaining God’s approval = gaining approval of WTS administration (governing body)
7 Our Creator, Jehovah, has done more
than anyone to give us a happy, purposeful
life. Having his approval, we will be able to
see how he works to undo all the damage
done to the human race. In a personal way,
Jehovah will continue to show us how he
becomes “the rewarder of those earnestly
seeking him.”—Heb.11:6.
The WTS teaches that to reach God we must come through the organization.
What changes did you imagine would be on earth after the destruction of 7 billion non-jw men, women, children, and babies
“Your People Will
Offer Themselves Willingly”
8. What does Isaiah’s experience teach us about
serving God?
8 Gaining God’s approval involves the
proper exercise of our free will. This is because
Jehovah does not coerce anyone into
serving him. In Isaiah’s time, He asked:
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for
us?” By recognizing the prophet’s right to
decide, Jehovah dignified him. Imagine Isaiah’s
satisfaction in responding: “Here I am!
Send me.”—Isa. 6:8.
Can a jw exercise free will in the WTS organization?
Is being threatened with eternal death if you don’t do things the WTS way, coercion?
9, 10. (a) With what attitude should we serve
God? (b) Why is it appropriate for us to serve Jehovah
9 Humans are free to serve God or not to
do so. Jehovah wants us to serve him willingly.
(Read Joshua 24:15.) Any who begrudge
God their worship cannot be pleasing
to him; nor does he accept the devotion
of those whose true intent is only to please
other humans. (Col. 3:22) If we rendered sacred
service “hesitantly” by allowing worldly
interests to interfere with our worship, we
would not win God’s approval. (Ex. 22:29)
Jehovah knows that serving him whole-souled
is good for us. Moses urged the Israelites
to choose life ‘by loving Jehovah their
God, by listening to his voice and by sticking
to him.’—Deut. 30:19, 20.
Serve him = live
Not serve him = die
Begrudge worship???
True intent to only to please other humans…like the GB?
What worldly interest…how interfere?
Serving WTS whole-souled = God
10 King David of ancient Israel sang to
Jehovah: “Your people will offer themselves
willingly on the day of your military
force. In the splendors of holiness, from the
womb of the dawn, you have your company
of young men just like dewdrops.” (Ps.
110:3) Many people today live for financial
security and leisure. For those who love Jehovah,
however, their sacred service comes
before everything else. The zeal with which
they preach the good news proves where
their priorities lie. They have full confidence
in Jehovah’s ability to supply their
daily needs.—Matt. 6:33, 34.
So what kind of financial security did David have, what kind of leisure (another man’s wife)
Can you name any elders who put sacred service ahead of everything?
Zeal = going out when people are home, making return visits, preparing for and conducting “bible” studies
So jws expect God to feed them? Do the elders provide food to hungry jws? Or provide food through non-believers as happened to Elijah.
Sacrifices That Meet With
God’s Approval
11. What benefit did the Israelites
hope to receive by offering sacrifices to
11 Under the Law covenant, God’s people
offered acceptable sacrifices to gain his favor.
“In case you should sacrifice a communion
sacrifice to Jehovah,” says Leviticus
19:5, “you should sacrifice it to gain approval
for yourselves.” In the same Bible
book, we read: “In case you should sacrifice
a thanksgiving sacrifice to Jehovah, you
should sacrifice it to gain approval
for you.” (Lev. 22:29) When
the Israelites offered up proper
animal sacrifices on Jehovah’s altar,
the smoke that drifted up
was like “a restful odor” to the
true God. (Lev. 1:9, 13) He felt
soothed and refreshed by those
expressions of love from his people.
(Gen. 8:21, ftn.) In these features
of the Law, we find a principle that applies
today. Those offering acceptable sacrifices
to Jehovah receive his approval. What
sacrifices does he accept? Consider two areas
of life: our conduct and our speech.
Did you know that the communion sacrifice was voluntary or required? So love is killing an animal and burning it; would not showing love to the poor, sick, young, widowed, orphaned in practical ways more accurately mirror God’s love?
(Leviticus 22:21) . . .And in case a man should present a communion sacrifice to Jehovah in order to pay a vow or as a voluntary offering, it should prove to be a sound one among the herd or the flock, in order to gain approval. No defect at all should prove to be in it.
12. What practices would make the ‘presenting of
our bodies as a sacrifice’ offensive to God?
12 In his letter to the Romans, the apostle
Paul wrote: “Present your bodies a sacrifice
living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service
with your power of reason.” (Rom.
12:1) Gaining God’s approval requires that a
person keep his body acceptable to God. If
he were to defile himself with tobacco, betel
nut, illicit drugs, or alcohol abuse, that offering
would have no value. (2 Cor. 7:1)
Moreover, since he that “practices fornication
is sinning against his own body,” immoral
conduct of any kind renders his sacrifice
offensive to Jehovah. (1 Cor. 6:18) To
please God, a person must ‘become holy in
all his conduct.’—1 Pet.1:14-16.
Would a jw who gossips harmfully be presenting a holy sacrifice when they go from door to door?
2 Cor. 7:1 is applied by the WTS as spiritual cleanness and compares tobacco, betel nut, illicit drugs to spiritism (not physical health).
***w73 6/1 pp. 338-339 pars. 14-15 Do, then, persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco qualify for baptism? The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki´a used by Bible writers and translated “practice of spiritism” or “spiritistic practices” has the initial meaning of “druggery.” (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki´a. The nicotine in tobacco does not have the same mental and emotional effects produced by “hard” drugs such as heroin or the so-called psychedelic drugs like LSD; yet nicotine addiction does definitely affect the mind and exercises a strong enslavement. In Europe at the close of World War II, in some instances cigarettes were worth more than money. Reportedly, prostitutes sold themselves for a few cigarettes, and ordinary people sacrificed even food ration coupons to obtain tobacco.
13. Why is it fitting that we praise Jehovah?
13 Another sacrifice that Jehovah delights
in has to do with our power of speech.
Those loving Jehovah have always spoken
well of him in public and in the privacy of
their homes. (Read Psalm 34:1-3.) Read
Psalms 148-150, and observe how often
these three psalms encourage us to praise Jehovah.
Truly, “on the part of the upright
ones praise is fitting.” (Ps. 33:1) And our Exemplar,
Jesus Christ, stressed the importance
of praising God by preaching the
good news.—Luke 4:18, 43, 44.
Sacrifice = power of speech = gossip?
If a jw speaks well of God but not their “brother”
( Joh 4:20) . . .If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.
What benefit do we receive
by offering a sacrifice of
praise to Jehovah?
14, 15. Hosea urged the Israelites to offer what type
of sacrifices, and how did Jehovah respond?
14 By preaching with zeal, we give evidence
of our love for Jehovah and our desire
for his approval. For example, consider how
the prophet Hosea exhorted the Israelites
who had taken up false worship and had lost
God’s favor. (Hos. 13:1-3) Hosea told them
to plead: “May you [Jehovah] pardon error;
and accept what is good, and we will offer in
return the young bulls of our lips.”—Hos.14:
1, 2.
Is “preaching with zeal” proof of love for God if we do not show practical love to fellow humans?
15 A bull was the costliest animal that an
Israelite could offer to Jehovah. Hence, “the
young bulls of our lips” referred to sincere,
well-thought-out words spoken in praise of
the true God. How did Jehovah respond to
those making such sacrifices? He said: “I
shall love them of my own free will.” (Hos.
14:4) To those offering such sacrifices of
praise, Jehovah granted his forgiveness, approval,
and friendship.
So do the men in the WTS give their “bulls” to God or to the NFL or NBA or NASCAR?
Are the prayers at the KH “well-thought-out” or routine and the same words over and over? Or worse yet the prayers at the assemblies/conventions merely reviews of the program as if God needed a reminder?
So do jws have to earn, perform works to get forgiveness or is it supposed to be undeserved kindness?
***w91 3/15 p. 7 *** Penitential acts cannot earn such forgiveness. Only God can grant it.
*** Isaiah Prophecy 2 chap. 25 p. 370 par. 16 *** We see that Jehovah is “good and ready to forgive.” (Psalm 86:5) As imperfect creatures, we depend on his mercy and forgiveness to receive salvation. No works of ours can help us to earn these blessings.
16, 17. When faith in God moves a person to
preach the good news, how does Jehovah receive
that one’s praise?
16 Praising Jehovah publicly has always
been a prominent part of true worship. Glorifying
the true God meant so much to the
psalmist that he beseeched God: “Please
take pleasure in the voluntary offerings of
my mouth, O Jehovah.” (Ps. 119:108) What
about today? Speaking of a large crowd of
people in our time, Isaiah prophesied: “The
praises of Jehovah they will announce. . . .
With approval they [their gifts] will come
up upon my [God’s] altar.” (Isa. 60:6, 7)
In fulfillment, millions are offering God
“a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of
lips which make public declaration to his
So where was the psalmist speaking? In a religious group? Converting non-jews?
Millions offering praise—only jws because they are the only “true” Christians per the WTS, the rest are “professed” or “so-called.”
17 What about you? Are you offering God
acceptable sacrifices? If not, will you make
needed changes and begin praising Jehovah
publicly? When faith moves you to start
preaching the good news, your offering will
be “more pleasing to Jehovah than a bull.”
(Read Psalm 69:30, 31.) Be assured that
“the restful odor” of your sacrifice of praise
will reach Jehovah and that he will grant
you his approval. (Ezek. 20:41) The joy that
you will then feel has no equal.
What are “needed changes”?
Where is Jesus in this public preaching by jws?
(Romans 16:25) . . .Now to him who can make YOU firm in accord with the good news I declare and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the sacred secret which has been kept in silence for long-lasting times
(2 Corinthians1:19) . . .For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among YOU through us, that is, through me and Silvanus and Timothy, did not become Yes and yet No, but Yes has become Yes in his case.
(2 Corinthians4:5) . . .For we are preaching, not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as YOUR slaves for Jesus’ sake. . .
There is an article in each KM that has magazine presentations, “What to Say About the Magazines.”. In 2007 the phrase “good news” was never mentioned. Check 2008, 2009, and 2010 to see how often.
‘Jehovah Himself
Will Bless Anyone Righteous’
18, 19. (a) What view of serving God do many
people hold today? (b) Losing God’s favor leads to
18 Today, many people draw the same
conclusion as some did in Malachi’s time:
“It is useless to serve God; and what profit is
it that we have kept his charge?” (Mal. 3:14,
An American Translation) Led on by materialistic
desires, they view God’s purpose
as unattainable and his laws as no longer
applicable. To them, the preaching of
the good news is a waste of
time and a source of irritation.
Are they serving God to get material things?
Do jws….isn’t the hope of a healthy, happy eternal life on a “paradise earth” held out to them? What is spiritual about that desire, seems very physical.
19 The driving force behind
such ideas goes back to
the garden of Eden. It was Satan
who persuaded Eve to
disregard the real value of
the wonderful life Jehovah
had given her and to disdain
His approval. Today, Satan
eggs people on to believe
that nothing is to be gained
by doing God’s will. However,
Eve and her husband discovered that
losing God’s favor meant losing their lives.
Those who now follow their bad example
will soon come to realize the same bitter
truth.—Gen. 3:1-7,17-19.
How could Eve know the real value if she couldn’t grasp that a snake was talking to her?
What the WTS leaves out that all non-jws, 7 billion, men, women, children and little babies will die eternally supposedly soon. That because they were born in the wrong time, there is no hope but the Israelites that were killed by the Babylonians get to live again.
20, 21. (a) What did the widow of Zarephath do,
and how did the matter turn out for her? (b) How
and why should we imitate the widow of Zarephath?
20 Contrast the sad ending of Adam and
Eve with the outcome of the events mentioned
earlier regarding Elijah and the widow
of Zarephath. After hearing Elijah’s encouraging
words, the woman began baking
and first served the prophet some bread.
Then Jehovah fulfilled the promise he made
through Elijah. The account states: “She
continued to eat, she together with him and
her household, for days. The large jar of
flour itself did not get exhausted, and the
small jar of oil itself did not fail, according
to Jehovah’s word that he had spoken by
means of Elijah.”—1 Ki.17:15,16.
Remember that this widow was not an Israelite.
So should jws expect a prophet to show up at their door and provide miraculous food?
21 The widow of Zarephath did something
that few people of the billions now
alive are willing to do. She put her complete
trust in the God of salvation, and he did not
leave her in the lurch. This and other Bible
accounts confirm that Jehovah deserves our
trust. (Read Joshua 21:43-45; 23:14.) The
lives of modern-day Witnesses of Jehovah
provide further proof that he will never
abandon those who have his approval.—Ps.
34:6, 7,17-19.*
* See The Watchtower, March 15, 2005, page 13, paragraph
15; August 1, 1997, pages 20-25.
How can these billions put their trust in someone they have not heard of?
***w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 *** Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.
22. Why is it urgent that we seek God’s approval
without delay?
22 God’s day of judgment “upon all those
dwelling upon the face of all the earth” is
imminent. (Luke 21:34, 35) There is no escaping
it. No riches or material comforts
can ever come near in value to hearing
God’s appointed Judge say: “Come, you
who have been blessed by my Father, inherit
the kingdom prepared for you.” (Matt. 25:
34) Yes, ‘Jehovah himself will bless anyone
righteous; as with a large shield, with approval
he will surround them.’ (Ps. 5:12)
Should we not seek God’s approval?
1879 TO 2011 = 132 years the WTS has been preaching, although they have said the end would come in 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975. Somehow though it is still IMMINENT.
Do You Recall?
Why does Jehovah deserve our heartfelt
What sacrifices does Jehovah accept
The expression “the young bulls of
our lips” refers to what, and why
should we offer them to Jehovah?
Why should we seek God’s approval?
I am on the road and having computer problems. I will post next week’s title later unless you look it up on
I believe it is Saturday, April 16 here. Jws to the west of me probably have already attended the Memorial. When I was a kid I thought that that would be the time they would announce that Armaggedon had started. I attended for 45 years and that never happened. They did announce that 1975 would be the year….not, unless it came invisibly.
Here’s hoping that battered children this year get the same media coverage as battered dogs.
Love, Blondie