Snubbed big time last night.

by watersprout 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Botzwana

    I haven´t been back since November. Finally yesterday I saw a brother in the street. I had my sunglasses on so he isn´t sure that I saw him but I KNOW he saw me....He didn´t wave or anything and I am sure he DOES know that I told everyone I am attending spanish. Even though I am not but he doesn´t know that. He still shunned me. Jerk!

  • doughnuthole
  • watersprout

    exwhyzee i can't get the video to play!

    Jamie last night i had a feeling thats what they were doing...She's the PO's daughter so i bet she was asked to pick some out.

    several times i have let different ones sitting by us or our waitresses, see that huge table of people over their, we use to be right in the middle of it, but right now they are "shunning" us for reasons they dont even know!!! normal functioning people cant even understand that, i just turn over to this group and smile... feeling good i just "told" on times,

    I hope you tell them that they are dubbies! Nothing like a good witness! Hee hee!

    They are just so out of line it is unbelievable.


    Botswana some shun if you are not in their congregation! It's all bizzare!


  • moshe
    Seriously what did they think we were going to do! Poison them with our apostate views! We got to the till and they didn't come out of the ailse, they actually stayed by the wines to make sure we had gone before they felt safe enough to emerge!

    JWs can feel very trapped in a public store when they bump into a known ex-JW. I have seen this happen- a JW sister trying to hide her head in the frozen food cooler, until I go by (didn't work, I just stood and waited for her to come up for air), leaving their cart of groceries and going to their car in the parking lot until they see me leave and leaving their purchases at the checkout and running out of the store when they find themselves boxed in by a chatty ex-JW at the register. (they don't like to discuss shunning in public, I guess) As you can see, it is the ex-JWs who hold the power in these situations, if they refuse to be a doormat for uppity, know-it-all JWs.

  • Retrovirus

    These are such sad stories that my families' experience with JWs pales somewhat, although it was and is very hard for my ex-jw's children to cope.

    Such a lot of needless suffering and separation!

    Can relate to jgnat's comment - when I was "studying" we covered the OT Jehovah and I asked how he could get his chosen people to wipe out and/or enslave other tribes. Got the usual apologetics, and then one jw lady explained that she believed that Jah "wipes out" the fellow feeling so that these atrocities could be committed - er, I mean, so that the earth could be cleansed of these wicked peoples (Unsucessfully, too!).

    I'm guessing that this is true of jw's today; "worldlies" are "not real people", and "apostates" are simply "satanic".

    What a narrow and lonely little world they inhabit.

  • sizemik

    I still recall being in the grip of this awful mind-controlled state . . .

    Truth is (as we all know), such ones have a huge gaping hole inside of them . . . it's an awful thing to have your natural humanity stripped away . . . makes you poor and blind and pitiable and naked

  • poppers

    It is not natural to act the way they do. It is rather jdubs who have no natural affection.

    As you so rightly said: you can see the uneasyness and even the contempt and hatred.

    None of that is normal. They must feel really bad inside.

    I agree. There's nothing normal about having to adjust your behavior based on whether someone is a JW or not. That must create a lot of strain inside. What a miserable way to go about the day when you are out and about in public.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Snubbed big time last night!

    JWs are fanatics; especially when it comes to how they treat ex-JWs. Glad you'al found the humor in it!

  • sizemik

    Sometimes Laughter is the best medicine . . .

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