So remember the warning at 1 Corinthians 10:12: “Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.”
REALLY?! This scripture would imply that someone who thinks he has some firm standing idea should look around to make sure he really IS standing on solid ground. You know, by testing things and doing research.
WT 4/15 2009 Satan was the first creature to turn apostate. Modern-day apostates display characteristics similar to those of the Devil. Their mind may be poisoned by a critical attitude toward individuals in the congregations, Christian elders, or the Governing Body. Some apostates oppose the use of the divine name, Jehovah. They are not interested in learning about Jehovah or in serving him. Like their father, Satan, apostates target people of integrity. (John 8:44) No wonder servants of Jehovah avoid all contact with them!—2 John 10, 11.
WT 8/15 2008 14 Like the faithful Levites back in the tenth century B.C.E., God’s loyal ones today are not deceived by apostate ideas. Anointed ones and their Christian associates are quick to avoid and reject apostate ideas. (ReadRomans16:17.) While we gladly submit to governmental authorities in secular matters and remain neutral in worldly conflicts, our loyalty goes to God’s Kingdom. (John 18:36; Rom. 13:1-8) We reject the false claims of those who profess to be serving God and at the same time dishonor him by their conduct.—Titus 1:16.
WT 9/1 2004 Therefore, when confronted with those who voice apostate ideas, we want to do what God’s Word states: “Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoidthem.” (Romans 16:17; Titus 3:10) Likewise, Christian youths facing the dangers of harmful associates want to apply Paul’s counsel given to young Timothy: “Flee from the desires incidental to youth.” And when confronted with false accusations in the media, we will remember Paul’s further advice to Timothy: “They [those who listen to the voice of strangers] will be turned aside to false stories. You, though, keepyoursenses in all things.” (2 Timothy 2:22; 4:3-5) No matter how smooth the voice of strangers may seem, we flee from all that would subvert our faith.—Psalm 26:5; Proverbs 7:5, 21; Revelation 18:2, 4.
WT 9/1 2000 A waiting attitude also helps us to avoid presumptuousness. Some who have become apostate were unwilling to wait. They may have felt that there was a need for adjustments, either in Bible understanding or in organizational matters. Yet, they failed to acknowledge that Jehovah’s spirit moves the faithful and discreet slave to make adjustments in His due time, not when we may feel that this is needed. And any adjustments must be in harmony with Jehovah’s will, not our personal ideas. Apostates allow a presumptuous attitude to warp their thinking and stumble them. But if they had adopted the mental attitude of Christ, they could have retained their joy and remained among Jehovah’s people.
WT 1/15 1997 ) Regrettably, the tongues of false teachers turned some early Christians away from God. So let us never allow ourselves to be overcome by venomous apostate expressions, whether spoken or written.—1 Timothy 1:18-20; 2 Peter 2:1-3.
And this is really weird. For people who say not to listen to Apostates, they sure as hell know a lot about apostate ideas and how apostates think. I thought only Jehovah could read minds. It really seems like they must read apostate material themselves; else they wouldn't know who to "warn" against. Hypocrites...