Not only is it forbidden to post the TMS on the web, but it is even forbidden to distribute it via your private email!
Letter from the Legal Department at Patterson] dated December 5, 2001:
:-[Letterhead from the Legal Department at Patterson]The brother who posted this web page provides a thought-provoking comment to support the Society's right to control private email communications in this regard:December 5, 2001
Dear Brother *******:
Thank you for removing Watch Tower's copyrighted material from your Web site in response to our letter dated October 19, 2001. We note, however, that you now make this material available to individuals who make requests by electronic mail. Please note the following statement in our previous letter: "Copyright infringement occurs when one copies and distributes (italics added) copyrighted material without the copyright holder's permission." Thus, the sending of this material by electronic means is not permissible. Therefore, we ask that you cease this practice.
Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings.
Your brother,
(signature of the General Counsel)
(-Underlining added to quotation-)
``There are many arguments for and against this decision, but at the end of the day as True Christians we should follow the directions of "The Faithful and Discrete Slave".''
I urge Kent Steinhaug to comply with the Society's order from its Legal Counsel, considering that the Bible clearly points to the Society has having final authority over such matters! ;-) (Sorry, I can't find the supporting scriptures that connect them to the faithful and discreet slave parable in the book of Matthew, but at the risk of sounding like an old Ragu Spagetti Sauce commercial I'm assured by the elders that "it's in there" ... if you "read between the lines"!)
Of course, the underlying issue is copyright law and not because the Society is afraid that outsiders will misunderstand the TMS material, right? In the spirit of openness, then, this brother has some excellent thoughts at the end of the above link: "I have replied to about 730 e-mails requesting the TMS material alone, perhaps it would be a good to ask the Society if this would be available on their site (as they are copyright holders), surely if enough people asked they might consider it?"
Do you suppose that "if enough people asked" the Society to publish the TMS on their web site, surely they "might consider it"? Someone is shaking their head in the second row. Could the brother carrying the microphone hurry to the second row so the one shaking her head can explain their doubtfulness? ;-)
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
-- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)