Three Glass In and Off I Go!

by headisspinning 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    Well, I've been having some serious anxiety today. I just felt like shutting down for most of the day. Now here it is 6:16 pm and the Memorial is at 8 pm.

    Thank God I'm three glasses in (wine!)... I'm good to go. Wish me luck! Not good fortune. Luck! LOL!


  • VampireDCLXV

    Wow. You're starting pretty early. LOL. I guess you have to get really sauced to make it through a JW memorial without losing your flippin' mind. I think that's about the only way I could tolerate ever going again...


    P.S. I wish you the best of luck with it. I hope you don't spew. (Actually, that would be funny as hell! Go for it!)

  • zoiks

    Lucky, lucky luck to you!

  • Lozhasleft

    Hope you're ok sweetheart?

    Loz x

  • GLTirebiter

    Two words: designated driver! Partake safely, headisspinning, and we'll see you back after the non-event.

  • headisspinning

    Oh no worries - I'm not driving or partaking (at least not at the event). I just need some 'false courage' to get myself there.

    Well, I better get scrambling!

  • zoiks

    Now I have the goddamn song stuck in my head.

    Time for a drink-off.

  • andrekish

    Hi All. It doesn't sound like everyone is looking forward to Easter. Do remember this sound advice.

    You puke, You wipe.

    Hey Vampire. 'It would be funny as hell'. It would be absolutely hilarious. Do you think anyone at the meeting would notice? They might if puking occurred here in the UK 'coz they love looking over the top of their glasses and tutting at someone. It seems to be generic in all groups of people and you just can't get away from it. People do love a go old moan. Especially the oldies.

    I dropped a bottle of plonk that slowly rolled down the aisle at midnight mass a few years back before I saw the light. Get square bottles is my recommendation.

    What is the significance of the Sunday before Easter? Why don't people want to go to the meeting then? I only went to KH for a few months a few years back and I have no recollection of the meeting I was at the Sunday before Easter at all. I was clearly paying great attention. I realised very quickly that a Kingdom Hall is not a place that encourages debate. Try asking a question on a Sunday that ain't in the Watchtower and everyone looks at you like you farted.

    I got away with it....

    'coz I didn't know any better,

    I guess they put it down to the fact that I was a visitor and therefore 'a bear of very little brain' and not much higher up the food chain than a piranah. I even got a cup of tea after.......before they put me straight. And 'coz I wasn't taking insiduous remarks without a punch up I put them straight. My brain, my mouth, my question. If they can't handle a question outside of the organised meeting structure then the structure is too rigid and so are they for being daft enough not to be able to adapt to need. Humans do get so set in their ways as they age.

    And all that time they were in the UN and they didn't know it. Talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is up to.

    Now THAT'S hilarious 'coz they got themselves in a right bother and handed thier enemies a hand grenade with their address written on it.

    Who-ever walks on this earth in the future, and I hope the Aztecs and the Babylonians and the Greeks, etc, etc, etc, all humanity, all of US get another crack at the whip as the Bible says. It's not the GB who decides the judgements of our Creator and who walks this planet again it is Christ if you are a Christian. This may sound mad but I'd love if it I was dead and someone woke me back up. Especially if the second of my visits wasn't in this human nightmare and every day was like Christmas just as promised.

    So although I don't go into KHs 'coz of the tutting I do remember the promise made to Christians. I makes me wonder if there will be a celebration in the future named to remind us later on of RESURRECTION DAY. And since we can all enjoy the fruits of our labours/vineyards I suppose we might well do a bit of puking then. And we can ALL have another good old moan together.

    Some things will never change.

  • Satanus

    Just have a cracker w each glass, and then youre place in heaven is assured;)


  • headisspinning

    Thanks to all for your concern - we made it to the Memorial without puking and arrived home safely as well.

    The baby was an absolute wretch as I imagined he would be in view of the hour.

    My husband was in the lobby (but visibly through the glass doors) while they were passing the wine. He had to keep the baby out there because he was so loud.

    Well, I guess his participation wasn't wanted because although the brothers did notice he was away from his seat, they couldn't be bothered to pass him the wine.


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