What,s the biggest headache for the Gov. Body, College or Apostate???

by jam 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • d

    College surely is a headache for them.Because it encourges critcal thinking and observing.If every Jw had critcal thinking skills.The whole damn religion would crumble, and the governing body would look in horror as their control over the followers would be lost.

  • NomadSoul

    College, but it depends on which major you pursue. For example: Art.

  • jam

    (Philadelphia;) I guess I am missing your point, but with both sons

    they both believe the JW was the truth until they enter college.

    Now they are both agnostic..I think college had A lot to do with


    (mindseye;) yes college was the final step for both.

    (steve 2;) Apathy never thought of that.

    (Y knot;) That would make Apoststes more of A threat,

    "educated and easily versed in all things WTS.

    (Moonguy;) Great first post, thirst for knowledge or

    Curiosity is A danger for any cult.

    (Pistoff;) Comparative religions study cause both son

    to become Agnostic.

    (Outlaw;) The internet is A pain not only for the WBT, but

    any scam that is going around.

  • steve2

    I can see that my view of JWs is much more jaded compared with other posters views.

    Perhaps my view reflects my laid-back country (New Zealand) and my direct observations of the Kingdom Halls I've been in.

    In my view, the "average" JW has been raised in the religion (in contrast to earlier generations of JWs who were more likely to be zealous converts from the door-ro-door work) and modern-day witnesses simply lack curiousity about alternate points of view. Given the yo-yoing to and from the religion that many born-ins experience over the years, I've noticed a striking absence of interest in debating or even thinking through beliefs and doctrines.

    The average JW "knows" just enough to put together a simplistic - and I must say embarrassing - defence of their basic beliefs - but anything too deep, and they're completely out of their depth and heading for the hills.

    When witnesses do go to college and/or university, it's strictly for employment purposes - rather than to "develop" their critical faculties. I've known at least two from my generation who went to university, got their degrees, continued in their chosen profession and kept associating with their local congregation. It's all a big yawn for many. That's why I think that those who are labeled "apostates" are a relative minority - sure this group can cause a lot of noise, but compared to those who come and go due to apathy, apostates are an astonishingly disappointing minority.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Steve - I agree with you that apathy is the WTS worst enemy. Today's JW is much different than the previous generation. They aren't nearly as committed. It's really become a more social club or tradition based belief system as opposed to a doctrinal driven passionate sort of commitment.

    It's my opinion that the higher ups are well aware of the apathy. There's no way they couldn't be aware of it and that's the reason for the frequent tract campaigns, lowering of pioneer hours over the years, the special 30 aux pioneer for April, etc.

    I believe that they're wrong about the causes of the apathy. They believe that college or apostates must be the ones that are causing it. What they fail to realize is that they are the cause of it. Just like the boy who cried wolf, the WTS has had generations of JWs living at the edge for so long that the born-ins under 40 that should be the backbone of growth just don't pay attention any longer.

    There doesn't appear to be anyone in a position of power that is willing to look in the mirror, take responsibility and make changes. Given the tone of the 7-15 WT, I can't see any changes or any reform.

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