According to the Jdub Talk Forum, the Memorial attendance this year was pretty high. My opinion is that it is a turmoiled year so some people seek refuge in religion. They think it was because of their "increased activity" and I guess so does the GB think too. I think those of you who said that this 30 hours pioneer arrangement is to be instituted on a regular basis are right. The GB will look over the numbers and whip the r&f even more. The WT Society and the Communist State are the same: it's very dangerous to have good results. Because they will demand more the next year.
Memorial Attendance
by DagothUr 11 Replies latest jw friends
Oh dear, I have had to practically make appointments to speak to my JW family as it is, they all seem to be out knocking doors at every available moment this month and I know for a fact that at least two of them are not well enough to be doing all this and are risking seriously damaging their health.
I think attendance may be pretty close to last year or even down. I know the one I went to was down noticeably from last year.
I have a very limited set of data right now, meaning just the JWTalk Forum. But the hunch stays: this was a measure to test the endurance of the r&f and to accustom them with increased FS. The purpose: the GB needs more drones and probably more money. Even if the results are poorer, some smart guys at Bethel will tamper with them and then the GB will say "Wow, look: as soon as you slackers moved your asses in FS, all numbers went sky-high to Jehovah! Let us (you) do that again next year!".
and the year after that ! and so on ad nauseum.
Room 215
For pioneering, 30 hours is setting the bar pretty low. The rank and file may well report more hours, but the intensity of effort is ludicrous when compared with the stalwarts of the 40s and 50s. Lots of desultory driving around, slow-walk shuffling and liesurely coffee breaks as the clock ticks down toward noon....
Mr. Falcon
good point, Room 215.
At least in my neck of the woods, this seems to be the norm. Just stalling and killing time until service is over. The days of aggressively sandwich-boarding your beliefs down passerby's throats are over. Now it's 3 or 4 return visits where nobody is home, followed by a 45 minute discussion at the donut shop, followed by door-to-door on a couple of empty streets with vacant homes. Then it's quitting time!
Regardless, it was a complete waste of time. They feel that if they can get everyone to pio-sneer, they can get more wastes of paper distributed. However, it will result in most of them ending up in the recycling bin, the landfill, or the shredder.
Beth Sarim
geez, no kidding. I noticed someone mentioned earlier or on a different thread. But you would think you were at the Grammys or Oscars the way some of those girls were dressed. Six-inch high heels, all kinds of jewelry, make-up just plastered on. One might think that it was an audition for a modelling contest, wow.
2006 16,675,113 1.7% increase 2007 17,672,443 5.9% 2008 17,790,631 .6% 2009 18,168,323 2.1% 2010 18,706,895 2.9% Not sure why the spike in 2007 other than this I found on google: (this shows for whole year, but maybe there was enough such activity happening already by the time of the Memorial. Therefore, this year I expect a similar type increase due to the recent earthquakes and tsunami, more financial hits,etc. Some people get afraid and easily intimidated, influenced during such times.