Rant Against the Borg HERE! NOW!

by Mad Sweeney 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Do you have a particular set of issues that really honk you off about the Borg?

    Would you like to just vent sometimes without having to engage in a drawn out discussion of the topic?

    Are you reluctant to post your rant on someone else's thread for fear of hijacking it?

    Your prayers have been answered. You have found the JWN version of Smack-Off against the Borg. Let 'em have it. Time's yours.

  • punkofnice

    I loathe the way the R&F cannot see beyond their predictable responses.


    They're JUST imperfect men doing their best.

    Where else will you go?

    Who else is doing the preaching work.

    Well I KNOW it's the 'truth'.

    You've been on 'apostate' websites.

    I have these conversations with my Mom & Wife (when she feels like shouting at me).

    When I ask: 'Will Jar-Hoover kill me at armageddon?'

    I always get 'I don't know. It's up to him!' (When they know the answer is 'Yes! He'll lovingly kill you and make you bird food!'

    I hate that 'forcefield' they put up when you talk and how they CANNOT reason on anything.

    Provide a scriptural basis to refute the watchtower or have concrete evidence and all I hear is:

    Wait on Jar-Hoover.

    The F&DS wouldn't do that. It's Satan lying.

    The scriptures are deep and only the F&DS can interpret them for us.


  • XxAmeliaXx

    There aren't words strong enough to describe how frustrated, angry, disgusted, hurt, disappointed and cheated I feel towards them.

    Nor to describe how foolish, stupid and gullible I feel towards myself for believing it for so long.

    Two good things though. I gave up smoking and .......believing in a sky daddy who would look after me gave me the courage to up sticks to a foreign country on my own with 2 children. They are the only 2 things I don't regret everything else I do. Especially the missed oportunities for love.

  • alanv

    And they wander why we can't just move on, after spending say 20 years of our life in it. It is not that easy.

  • inbyathread

    Had a Dream two nights ago. Wonderful dream. Pre-Borg Dream. I was still in the Military and deciding which duty station to take for my final tour prior to retiring. Full military benefits, pension and a life ahead of me...... Then I woke up. I woke up to the Nightmare I live in now. Working 50 hours a week to pay the bills. Wondering what will break next and need to be replaced in the house. Wondering how I'm going to pay for the additional medical bills that just occured. Just wondering.

    Then it occured to me that I got out of the military 21 years ago. 21 YEARS AGO. A whole new GENERATION of solders and sailors have gone in and left with full retiree benefits and I am here wondering.

    And I believed it. I believed that Armageddon was just around the corner. Believed that it was the right thing to do, to give up my benefits, give up my pension, give up my life for Jehovah (The GB) The warning flags were there, I saw them but refused to see it. It had to be Satan trying to steer me away. I got out early. Won't need the benefits. Won't need the pension. Because I believed it. Now I'm here, just wondering.

    Thanks Mad Sweeney for the opportunity to Vent.


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    inbyathread - yikes, man! Sorry to hear about you getting screwed over like that.


  • Morbidzbaby

    There are so many things that piss me off, I'd be here all damn day. The following WILL contain profanity, so if you're offended by it, please skip over me... I just need to get it all out.

    They separate families. It's not enough to just let someone walk away and believe something else. No. They have to drive that final wedge. The "you can't talk to them or you will be DF'ed" wedge. Shunning a person who leaves is tantamount to obeying and showing love for Jehovah. So the god of love wants you to be unloving toward your family and basically treat them as if they are already dead, a walking corpse?

    The Rank and File are so brainwashed, so utterly controlled, that their reasoning is completely daft and they don't even realize it. My ex took my children away from me because, not only is he brainwashed, but he's an uber-zealot and thinks that ANY contact with me, an apostate, is going to ruin my children. Nevermind that I love them more than my own life. Nevermind that I would die for them. Nevermind that I would give them LIFESAVING FUCKING MEDICAL TREATMENT IF THEY NEEDED IT, while he would stick his thumb up his ass and say "No blood". No. None of that means a goddamn thing when I don't believe in the fucking bOrg. He WILL poison their little minds against me. He WILL try to get them baptized at an early age, even though he said he wouldn't. That's the nature of the beast, isn't it? I have children. I haven't seen them in over 2 years. A whole year went by before I could LEGALLY speak to them again because he fucking LIED, but that's okay cause it's Theocratic Warfare, right??? When I did speak to them, they didn't remember me...because they were too little when I was thrown out and quickly replaced with another woman.

    Are you happy, WBTS?? Your religion is RIFE with insane people who take your words and doctrine as gospel and run with it. Even though you are WRONG WRONG WRONG, your adherents will stick to what you say, no matter the cost. An insane belief system combined with insane people who take it to the next level is a recipe for disaster.

    "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers"

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    morbidz, you have a PM.

  • Heartofaboy

    These accounts are so very sad.

    I too knew of a husband that gave up his military career, gave up his pension, sold the large house he & his wife had so he could pioneer during the years leading up to 1975 the year the org thought it would be appropriate for god to begin the millenial rule of Christ.

    What happened?

    His money ran out, he had to take up poorly paid menial work, he developed facial cancer & died an agonizing death. His elderly wife is still struggling to the meetings, often goes home to her very modest municipal accommodation crying because comments from the audience show how many are now convinced just a few 'foolish brothers'......... '1975ers' went ahead of the society & that the organisation never said Amrageddon would come in that year.

    I loathe the organization, it is hard, unloving, proud & stiff necked, certainly not 'faithful & discreet' . It is happy that new ones do not know the truth of the role the Watchtower organiztion of Jehovah's Witnesses played in whipping up the expectations of the R&F regarding 1975. This loathsome beast of an organization is happy to erase embarrasing passages from their publications so any that do research using the 'society's CD's will be convinced of the foolishness of brothers & sisters that made life changing decisions because they 'went ahead of the Jehovah's organization'.

    During the memorial last night the speaker read from Revelation 14 to show who make up the 144,000. He came to verse 5, it say's No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.

    The leaders of the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses are now happy to live behind a lie regarding their past & can no way be the ones mentioned in Revelation 14: 1-5.


  • whathehadas

    LOL Inbyathread, Sorry to hear that your in a nightmare now. But guess what, think of those like me who NEVER had a chance to be in a dream in the first place, being the fact of being born in the Nightmare. ANGER, FRUSTRATION, BITTERNESS, etc, you name it, is the feelings associated with coming out of this cult. Funny but sad realizing that at almost 30yrs old and never having a first kiss not from momma. Fading from the borg at 27 and I will be 28 this year trying to recover and regain a social life. Those donkey dog bastards in New York ruin my teen and early adult life. It's a HARD PILL TO SWALLOW when I realize that I can never get those 26yrs of my life back. I can go on but it wouldn't be a PG rated post.

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