VIDEO. Violent bloody protest at the Memorial in Burgas, Bulgaria. 2011

by 3Mozzies 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • InquiryMan

    I was appalled and sad to see this happening. My last memorial attendance was in 2003. I left at great cost, still this attack brought tears to my eyes... Those protesters were simply so primitive....

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Uncalled for. Disturbing.

    but not unexpected either is it? Emotions can run pretty hot when it comes to religion.

    But i think this also runs way deeper than hate of JWs. It's indicitive of a growing intolerance for religion messing up people lives.

    Whether we like it or not, this is going to happen more. The whole history of humanity comes down to religous intolerance with a liberal dose of political agenda mixed in. Think of the crusades, the so called holy wars, the conflicts between catholic and protestant, the wars in Bosnia... all religion. If TV was aroung 500 years ago, this all they would have seen in the news.

    I dont like to think it, but i really believe WW3 will be a religous one masked as political/economic survival. Mankind has not risen above such violence, it has simply become apathetic... until humanity gets poked in the eye by religion one too many times. Frankly, it scares me somewhat. We live in a time where forces are quite possibly poised to do away with all religion and it will mean violence and protests i am sure.

    It is the leaderships and power bases of religion that need dismantling, not individuals trying to find their way through life. People need their eyes opened, not their skulls cracked.

    The thugs went about it all the wrong way and focused on the wrong people as well .


  • Peaches1978

    I would like to know, if WTS New York, sent anyone to help these people out? or just let it be like nothing has happend.

  • VIII

    I received an e-mail from my mother who got a YouTube video of it from my Elder cousin.

    Here is an excerpt of her response:

    Hi XYZ,

    It worked. Don't know why the first one didn't open. This brutal attack by
    a gang of dangerous thugs is just horrible! The poor brothers were injured
    and a lot of blood was on the floor at the entry door where the lunatic thugs
    attacked them as they were celebrating the Memorial on Sunday evening.

    The stupid thugs even video'd their attack and posted it on the internet where
    the Police can identify them and arrest them!

    Whoever organized and inspired these thugs to commit this crime should
    be caught and put in jail. Then sued for all the injuries and property
    damage he/they instigated in this riot! It would have been nice if the Police
    arrested ALL the thugs, fined them and made them pay for all damages
    and injuries! They should also be sued for pain and suffering injuries.

    Lunatics like that only understand the language of money (which they worship as
    their true god)
    and when they get hit in the pocket, suddenly they become very aware of
    behaving nicely to people, avoiding conflicts and not ever participating in being an
    angry mob member!

    Likely the congregation members delivered invitations to some of these people/thugs
    at their homes. The thugs then went on the Internet and invited all J.W. haters to
    participate in attacking the true Christians during their peaceful celebration of the

    Thugs are true lovers of violence and brutality; evidence their "religion" never
    taught them peace and non-violence, nor love of their neighbor! Likely, from one side
    of their mouths, they claim to be Christians. From the other side of their mouths, they
    prove by their actions and slanders what they really are: brutal low lifes and common

    I will pass this along again.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I remember standing outside a convention in Tacoma, WA. There were always apostates picketing there. Signs and bullhorns. I could never understand what they were saying over the bullhorns, it just made them look stupid. Anyway, me and a group of 20 somethings were standing near one of them at lunch when a Bethelite we knew comes up and says, "You know, whenever I have any doubt this is the true religion, all I have to do is look at the apostates. They're not doing this outside the Catholic church, just ours. That proves we have the truth!"

    Public displays don't do anything but reinforce the idea that God's true people will be persecutted.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "You Will Be Objects of Hatred"

    5 Not only did Jesus himself suffer fierce persecution but he also forewarned his followers that the same would happen to them. Early in his ministry, Jesus told his listeners in his Sermon on the Mount: "Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them. Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens."-Matthew 5:10-12.

    -- The WATCHTOWER October 1, 2003, page 10, "Persecuted For Righteousness Sake"

    They're HAPPY, I'm HAPPY, We're all HAPPY!

  • Satanus



  • MrFreeze

    The violence is awful but in all reality, things like these just bolster the JW persecution complex.

  • Mary

    That was disgusting and appalling to watch. No matter how much I despise the religion, attacking the people inside the KH like that is not the answer and I hope the idiots who organized this stunt go to prison for it. Jerkoffs.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    One of the very few times I am ashamed to identify myself as a native Bulgarian...

    The violence is inexcusable!!

    The troublemakers are just that - troublemakers looking for a fight to pick. JWs happened to be in their crosshairs. The VMRO has a long history of moronic behavior and is used behind the scenes by other political parties for dirty political games.

    In the beginnig, the protesters were shouting: "Turks, get out" (a reference to the ethnic turkish minority), WTF?! to them JWs, Turks, whatever didn't make a difference. Yes, they had the: "We don't want the Jehovah's Witnesses" posters, but I bet if you asked anyone of them who the JWs are and what do they stand for, you get blank stares.

    JWs may spin this any way they want, it was not persecution. It was an act of senseless and needless violence.

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