Lead Codices Now Called Fake

by Quendi 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wobble

    I have this hope that one day a genuine collection of the sayings and teaching of Jesus will surface, and even better, one that contained real details of his life and death.

    I don't hold my breath whilst waiting.

  • transhuman68

    This is an interesting site for anyone interested in Bible archeology: http://www.bib-arch.org/index.asp



    there are arleady plenty of books/textx documents describing what Jesus said and did that are NOT part of the biblical canon (ie books that were tossed out of the final edit by the church to suit their own agenda)

    So a google search for apocryphal gospels

  • Terry

    Fake everything related to holy relics was a cottage industry from the earliest times.

    Constantine's mother, Helena, was a trafficker in such ridiculous items as the actual cross itself upon which Jesus died. Yeah. Like the Romans catalog

    these items and put them in storage for recycling.

    Fingers, thigh bones, cups---you name it, down through the centuries various local churches demanded them to attract "business" and pump up the treasury.

    Today, as we all know, this continues with legendary stories like the Healing Waters of Lourdes.

    The more things change the more they stay the same.

    When this story first posted here on JWD I predicted this would happen.

  • james_woods

    Next Terry will probably be telling us that the shroud of Turin is a medieval fabrication!

  • kurtbethel

    Ha! I knew you could not pass off gold codices as lead by merely spraying them with hammertone paint.

  • wobble

    Dear Radhesyam,

    I am aware of the writings that you speak of, but none of them are contempory with "Jesus" himself, and so they are similar to the gospels that are considered canonical, they are tracts written to perpetuate the Jesus Myth.

    Something like "The Gospel of Thomas", but undoubtedly a contempory record of Jesus' actual teaching and life, would be of the utmost interest, but I doubt any such work was ever written, so all we have are the works of people writing with a particular agenda, and no real interest in publishing the truth about the historical Jesus.

    But still, never say never, perhaps one day we will get to know what he was really like, and what he actually did and actually said, and maybe what happened at his death and just after too !

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