Descended from animal? Explain language.

by StopTheTears 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    I like the formula:

    1. Quick rundown of the two sides in the form of an "honest question"
    2. Answer said question with easy to understand language about God and his power
    3. All along the way provide subtle harsh language targeting your opposition
    4. Post warm Jesus/God pix
    6. Profit from suckers and hire slaves to do your bidding


  • unshackled

    So Genesis says that before the Babel story the whole earth was of one language, one speech. Let's see...

    Tower of Babel story: around 1000 BCE

    Chinese language: developed prior to 1200 BCE

    Speakers of several Semitic languages developed the consonantal alphabet: prior to 1500 BCE

    Rigveda, oldest known text in Sanskrit: 1100-1700 BCE

    Egyptian hieroglyphs: around 3100 BCE

    Sumerian writings: as far back as 3200 BCE

    Bible, wrong again.

  • dgp

    Stop the Tears:

    It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages

    Well, with Papiamento, the Nicaraguan sign language, all Romance languages and all Germanic languages, we can say this statement is false (as in "true or false?"). So many languages exist now that were not created by God.

  • poopsiecakes

    Oh man, I love threads like this. What a great way to reaffirm how crazy my beliefs used to be.

  • skeeter1

    A famous story about chimpanzees....

    Roger Fouts describes Washoe’s (Chimp) great interest in the swelling

    abdomen of a pregnant caretaker named Kat. Using sign

    language, Washoe would ask Kat about “baby.” After being

    absent from work for several days because she had miscarried,

    Kat returned and signed to Washoe that she had lost her baby.

    Washoe looked down at the ground, then into Kat’s eyes and,

    touching her cheek just below her eye, signed “cry.”

  • skeeter1
  • JonathanH

    I believe it's called poe's law. When an ideology or culture becomes so absurd that satire and reality are hard to differentiate. Merely stating the beliefs is enough to make people think "haha, good one, you jokester!"

    I can't really tell if this is meant to be in earnest or is merely one of those examples of stating a legitimate belief just so we have a larf at the absurdity of it.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Even "StopTheTears" would have to agree with the strong evidence available that at least some people descended from monkeys!


  • thetrueone

    So by this logic then STT god created the 7000 languages right there at the Tower of Babel, the exact languages that exist today

    and that many languages that have similarities in structure were not endemically based from a prime language at it basic roots.


  • TheSilence

    At work a few weeks ago I corrected one of my staff on a policy violation. This employee decided that I was, in actuality, harassing her. I was not coaching or correcting her, it made no difference that she had broken the policy repeatedly and it is my job to correct it... clearly I was simply harassing her for harassment's sake. So she went to my boss and complained. My boss decided we needed to clear the air between us so we all sat down while I calmly tried to explain that I had no issue with her personally, I wasn't harassing her, I was simply doing my job and expecting her to do hers, and that I would correct any employee who did the same thing. We ended the meeting with this employee still of the opinion that I was simply harassing her. Afterwards I told my boss that I may as well have just cut off my thumb... the meeting with her was just as painful and just as useful. I mention this because that is much how I feel about discussing anything with Stop The Tears. If I'm going to try to discuss something with her coherrently I may as well just cut off my thumb... just as painful, just as effective. But, hey, good times, right? ;)

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