Couldn't stop sneezing until I researched the watchtower cd and found an Awake! article on how to stop sneezing. Praise the WTS I finally stopped sneezing!
Does Anyone Know How To Drain Blocked Inner Ears?
by Low-Key Lysmith 45 Replies latest jw friends
Think About It
I feel for anybody who has ear pain when flying. I've had my eardrums rupture at least 1/2 dozen times flying. Usually, it's during the descent for landing. The first time the pain was excruciating, but subsided after the eardrum ruptured and relieved the pressure. Now, if there is any pressure buildup it relieves easily and that's the end of it. After all those eardrum ruptures my hearing still seems okay. The best thing is to use nasal spray to keep yourself opened up. My last several flights have been without any pain at all.
Think About It
This works well.
Band on the Run
You took one hell of a risk. I"m glad it turned out well. Playing with fire isn't good. I'd love to have my hearing loss reversed. Once I took medicine that interacted with aged cheese and meats, red wines, chocolate. I obeyed the rules. Other patients acted out and ate large amounts of the forbidden. Nothing happened to them. I asked my doctor why I was denying myself all the foods that I enjoyed. He expalined that just b/c it does happen every time does not mean it does not happen. He has seen dead bodies from eating a little chocolate. Even those who binge on foods successfully 100 times with no ill effect might die on the 101st time.
I repeat the medical science and technology should come up with a result. Seeing an ENT would have been a far wiser choice.
I'm on Steroids (1st time use) and Zyrtec right about being plugged up! It's like having a timn can on your head.. ..I am also eating myself out of house and home. What do they put in that stuff (steroids) Pot?... Thankfully I only have 4 more days of steroids left..that stuff can mess you up!
Band on the Run
Oh, steroids increase your appetite in a major way. Indeed, I had to take Elavil, an antidepressant, for my facial pain. Since I lost weight with the pain and I was down 30 lbs. of a very thin frame, it seemed like a good thing in th ebeginning. I watched my weight, like a hawk. My normal weight was 130. I plunged to 109 (very scary). Elavil left me on the streets of Ny ordering nothing but desserts. I was too embarassed to order multiples at one place. So I just moved from bistro to bistro.
I boycotted candy bars. Rather, I'd go uptown and order a single champagne or other Belgian or Swiss truffle. You can't call them both chocolate. Soon, I was at local newspaper stands, buying several milky ways at a time. One person had the gall to be in line ahead of me. I truly wished I had a gun to blow him away. Yes, I would kill for a Milky Way.
People who knew me my whole life were utterly shocked by my weight gain. School authorities used to interrogate me, fearing my mom starved me. Their Eyes widened. It was utterly humiliating. I was always vastly superior to the poor fat, lazy slobs. Well, I changed my tune.
This went on countless times during my illness. The first ten times I lost the weight with some discipline. Now it is very hard to lose.