I'm sure many have noticed that. Now obviously many more will go out in FS than usual and such because the CO brings more "insight" on FS than the usual brothers. Understandable I guess. But why do the sister's feel the need to wear their BEST clothes and get their hair all fixed up for his visit. The absolute BEST meals are prepared. One sister brings out only the finest china silverwear and they all sat in a room they NEVER sit at for dinner. One CO did mention that this should not be done but of course that advice seemed to go unheard. At our hall, only the best speakers were chosen to give talks that week. I guess to give our congregation some kudos. idk. What things have you noticed?
Is it me or do the JW's act like the Circuit Overseer is Jesus himself?
by stillstuckcruz 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Were you unaware? The CO's are the 20th century Apostles.
No, it's not just you. People in the congregation that I attended would use their vacation time to go out in service for the week. They would actually race to the signup sheet just to feed the CO and his wife. Some sisters would try to outdo each other in providing the best meals for the week. There was a couple of near fights about it. They would fill up his car and take him and his wife to the best restaurants. There was an increase in the meeting attendance and commenting. The restrooms were extra clean and they would put extra large bills in the contribution box in front of CO so they would look good. When the visit was over, they went back to business as usual.
lil princess
haha, yeah they always did. it is so funny reading about others experiences. for so many years i didnt realize so many others experienced the same stuff. just a question and i am not trying to jack your thread. but can anyone shead some light on the demonized smurf doll? i heard something about it when i was like 5, if memory serves i think it was told by a traveling overseer. i still to this day hate smurfs.
When the visit was over, they went back to business as usual.
^I noticed this as well. There was usually still a mild high a week after the CO left. But after that, back to business as usual. I choose to look normal whenever the CO is. I give no special treatment. Say hello as if talking to any other brother...then avoid him so I don't get asked about why I'm not pioneering.
No problem...demonized smurf doll? Never hear of it. Smurfs are just stupid IMO anyway.
The Circuit Overseer is like a disctrict sales manager. He pops in a couple times a year, hits the sales reps with stats and numbers, how much literature has been placed in that congo, how many hours spent peddling publications, how many bible studies . . . tells the reps where and why they suck, or if you're lucky, that the sales office is doing just great. Then he gives a couple of motivational talks to get the publishers back to publishing with more effort, then he blows town.
Broken Promises
lil princess,
Use the search function to find out info on smurfs.
Or if that's too much hard work, start yet another thread on the subject.
:Is it me or do the JW's act like the Circuit Overseer is Jesus himself?
You mean he isn't? Dang.
lil princess
kool, appreciate, BP. i honestly thought that was a local thing until i read others joking about it. dont you go spilling any oil now.