I have been at the university library the past few month reading books about Carl Jung. I think he has some interesting things about the unconscious,,as well consciousness.
I been reading that the unconsciousness has the ability to form this new personality and then hatch it on the ego consciousness by means of an Religious Experience,, or perhaps we can say Mystical Experience , but the problem is that if the original ego consciousness was very one sided there is a tendency is for the new personality to be too one sided in the opposite way.
One of the chief problems for the human species as I see it is that the evolution of the human consciousness has cause a very drastic change in in our life style in such a short period of time just look at the last 2 or 3 hundred years and this accelerated change this has cause the majority of us to deviate the from the "way of the blood",, or from the way our genetic code would work the best for us both mentally and physically,, this deviation is the reason for a neuroses,, or even worse a psychosis.
But Jung and others who think like him say that a neuroses is actually a very good thing as it is natural process that works to restore balance in the psyche. Sometimes in healing his patients from a neuroses he would only go as far as the personal unconscious find the problem with the patient and they were cured other times he had to go deeper and into the collective unconscious to get at the problem.
Many patient came to even after they had been cure and wanted to go deeper to find whatever.