I'm still thinking about this one but right now I've got:
Mr. Nancy
The Lady Jessica Atreides
(I was going to roll with Delenn, too, but didn't want two people from the same TV show)
by Mad Sweeney 25 Replies latest jw friends
I'm still thinking about this one but right now I've got:
Mr. Nancy
The Lady Jessica Atreides
(I was going to roll with Delenn, too, but didn't want two people from the same TV show)
1. Gilbert Grissom
2. Winne the Pooh
3. She rah
1. Vito Corleone
2. Tyler Durden
3. Yoda
Jesus Christ
Much as I loved reading The Tao of Pooh, I couldn't stomach more than five minutes with that dude.
Carrots choices#
1. Nobby nobs (Terry Practchet charactor)
2. Yoda
3. Wolverine
Babysprouts choices
1. Saddle club members (kiddie tv programme)
2. Santa claus and the elves
3. Barbie
Zonker Harris
Capt. Lemuel Gulliver
Kilgore Trout
Tommy Walker
1. God
2. Satan
3. Alec Baldwin
Captain Sisko
John Locke
Marty McFly