Has anyone seen this yet or am a I a bit late to the party? Funny how giving money to the borg makes it all OK. They sure are fucking money grubbers at the top. What a bunch of fucking ass holes the JWs are. This only makes me fight againgst them that much harder. Think of all the damage they have done and then to not distance themself from this guy, fuck even the Catholics distance themsefs from drug lords.
Top Mexican drug lord a Jehovah's Witness
by dogon 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Are you suggesting he was a JW in good standing or that the Watchtower Society received drug money?
I'll have to double-check the info when I finish running errands - Wikipedia is a decent source, but I'd like to see confirmation from a few other sources about him being a "Jehovah's Witness"...
Having said that, it wouldn't surprise me if he were a baptised JW in good standing - hypocrisy is rampant within the Watchtower Society, especially at Bethel. And they certainly wouldn't have turned their noses up at any sizeable donations, no matter who/what the source...
Just look at the bizarre contradictory information coming out of Watchtower headquarters - compare the July 2009 {?} Awake with the article entitled "Is It Wrong To Change Your Religion?" with the recent Watchtower [July 2011?] tightening their grip on baptised Witnesses by issuing stricter guidelines on associating with non-JW family members, especially disfellowshipped and disassociated ones...
Anyway, thanks for posting this!!
Would he get df? Would they shun him? Or would the elders be afraid of maybe getting a bullet in a head so they let him be a "brother" in good standing? This is a good find. How would bethal respond to this find? Would they say that this is a natural occupation in some countries so it's a matter of conscience just as they've done with Mexicans in the 70s who were bribing government officials to obtain a military card while letting Malawi witnesses to be tortured and killed for refusing to purchase a political card in one party state??
Ay Caramba!
So, is there any evidence of when he became a JW or whether he subsequently left? It could be a very dangerous situation for the local congregation given drug lords propensity for lethal violence.
Y'all know that wikipedia is Latin for "anyone can write anything they want," right?
he wouldnt get dfed as long as he provided enough financially. under the table of course lol
I used Wick, but I got the news from several other sources.It seems very credible. I watched a news article on a tv news cycle and then looked it up on line.
Wow...I am no fan of the WT, but for them to allow an active JW leading a cartel family seems a bit far fetched. I take things on Wiki with a grain of salt, since anyone can post there. I can certainly accept that he converted to a JW sometime in his life...that description fits a large number of people on this forum...but it is a bit of a stretch to believe that he was a JW in good standing during his cartel years.