Does anyone know the significance or meaning of the suit of armor depicted in the upper right hand corner of the picture?
Question for our WT history experts
by tenyearsafter 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wow - that is an interesting question? It brings up all kinds of ideas in my mind - none of them good ones. Will get back to you after I do some research.
Don't know the real answer, but doesn't that lithograph look positively occult?
I do not know the meaning.
However, the Bible is full of military talk, armor, swords, helmets, spears, etc.
The first thing that came to mind for me was some sort of connection to the Knights of Columbus, but I am not knowlegeable enough to really make that connection. I am going to do a bit more research and see why the early WT used that symbolism.
Would it be the complete suit of armor referred to in Ephesians 6:13? Just a guess.
I guess it isn't tied to Knights of Columbus based on this image:
Hmmm...never thought of the "full suit of armor" tie in...good thought!
tenyearsafter does look a bit creepy!
Would it be the complete suit of armor referred to in Ephesians 6:13? Just a guess.
That would have been my guess as well - but who knows what was really in old nut-bar Russell's head? does look a bit creepy!
No joke - almost all of the turn-of-the-century Watchtower literature gives me that feeling.