Game Winning Homerun Turns Tragic - But Then Something Amazing Happened After this girl hit her first ever home run, she tore her ACL running to first base. Just when tragedy was inevitable, something odd, yet amazing, happened. Watch this very touching video to see the inspirational outcome. Incredible!
...and then, something Amazing happened! (Don't view if you don't want to cry)
by Terry 26 Replies latest jw friends
jean-luc picard
Thank you for the video. As you say, it is very touching.
Hey, were they jehovahs witnesses? (only kidding)
Wasanelder Once
Thank God they didn't attribute this to the Lord, or did they? I didn't watch the big wrap up because I'm diabetic and all that sugar sweetness was causing my blood sugar to spike.
What a wonderful sporting gesture ! Those "worldly" kids sure know what compassion means, it gives one hope !
Awesome story. Made me smile. I just have to point out, however, that Sara's coach looks like Nick Nolte.
LOL! I was thinking the EXACT same thing!!!
That was great, thanks Terry. Amazing compassion and self sacrifice shown by 'worldly' people who are destined to be destroyed horribly by a loving God at armageddon unless they humour the JWs who come knocking at their doors lol.
tragedy..... not so much
unfortunate.... in several shades!
the decisions made and actions taken
define the character of sportmanship...
THOSE are the kind of people you want
to have in your life... where winning isnt
everything.....chickpea (formerly of the intramural softball class)
Great story, Terry.
Things that human beings do can be really amazing.
yep, I'm in tears. And it reinforces how there are so many good hearted people beyond JWs in so many ways. More often good deeds don't get publicity, don't get reported (they don't do time slips). Often they don't get a big appreciation but there are mostly good hearted people.