Hello guys, I've been a lurker for quite some time and am a little curious to know if there are any people from Mexico regurarly posting on this board.
Any Mexicans on this board?
by Bucholz 11 Replies latest jw friends
¿Por qué quiere saber eso?
cyberjesus was df'd in mexico. by the way, welcome to the board.
No pero conozco a mucha gente de Mexico..Estoy/estaba en una congregacion de habla espanola....no quiero decir el estado en que vivo pero te voy a dar una clave...en tu pais existe un estado con el mismo nombre con la excepcion de que el mio no tiene "baja" ante el nombre... jaja
I see, I'm Mexican myself, have never been to or lived in the US, but I'll post in English so as to comply with this site's guidelines, I'll post my story later, when I feel ready to so, anyway, it's nice to meet all of you people :)
Welcome Bucholz
I am not Mexican born, but my father has a Spanish background (somewhere) and I visit Mexico City often and have many friends in an area called Ixtapalapa. It is near the Metro CONSTITUTION 1917 station. I have visited all the popular touristy stuff plus have been invited to many trips and fiestas. They are very friendly to me.
My Spanish is limited, but I always like to learn more.
I live in the Vancouver area.
Welcome, Bulchoz! Bienvenidos!
I'm not Mexican, just American and Southern at that, lol! I served with my family in a spanish group for several years and we went to an international convention in Puebla in 03, I think that was the year. Anyway, that trip was so much fun and we experienced some awesome hospitality. Some local Witnesses invited us to a party with a live mariachi band and tons of tamales. I miss homemade tamales. I absolutely loved Mexico. I still have all the blouses and skirts I bought there and the little trinkets the friends gave out at the convention. My spanish is really rusty though, I haven't used it in a long time. My family that's still in is fluent. Well, as far as Testigo Espanol (or is it espanol de testigos?) goes. I really should pick that up again.
Totally off topic, but it floored me when we stopped by an internet cafe in Merida and the keyboard was so different. It was so hard to type in English on it, lol! Little things you don't notice in your native country.
I have been in Tijuana, does that count?
My old congregations were full of us!!! My dad is Mexican, mom Cuban, but yeah, I definitely consider myself more Mexican (I was living in Mexico for two years as a nine year old with my grandma :p cows!).