While I firmly believe in rewarding an author with financial revenue for his efforts and I myself purchased his book with joy - those of you that may have limited budgets or have been postponing the reading of this Classic did you realize it is readily available on the net as a free PDF format - I found it under [edited]
Captivers of a Concept on free PDF download
by saltyoldlady 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
You should report it to the copyright holder, not to a public forum
Report it? You mean this is done without his permission? I assumed it was by permission. Am I wrong? Are all these downloads "hijacked?"
From Don Cameron himself:
Thank you for setting me straight on this - is there someway we can remove this post from the archives. I in no way want to deprive Don Cameron of his rightful due or be a party to such. I think his book the very best on the subject, period. Salty
Lady Lee
I did some checking The website you suggested will redirect you to another website where you have to pay to access books on their service. Presumably they will be paying the author for the downloads of their book.
At least I hope so
A friend emailed the PDF of the book to me- I read it and loved/hated it and then later bought a copy off Amazon...Awesome book every JW should read but they won't what a pity.
Yeah - turns out they want $49.95 up front to download any of their supposedly free PDF download's - what a gimmick! Go direct to Cameron's site - $7 is not too much for a download of this material. It is priceless and magnificently designed to aid any who might be wanting to convince friends and family still inside the organization.
Thanks saltyoldlady, I did not know it was avaialable for PDF purchase. I'll check out Don's site.
Buy the book at Lulu.
The ebook version is not expensive ($7.00).