
by anniegirl76 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • the max
    the max

    I like the way you gals are supportive of each other, with your PM,s I feel a lot of the times we men srtuggle a bit in that dept.

    I keep trying to display a softer side, but find I can go of message (like here) and end up doing the Alpha male thing blow out.

    WELCOME Anniegirl, I have got no family ties, I have a Religion, FOOTBALL , I have been through 3 marriages, 1 CULT, but I have never wavered in my loyalty to my football team, HEARTS.

  • transhuman68

    I've had way too much coffee...again... but Welcome!

    Hope it all works out o.k. for you.

  • anniegirl76

    It's an amazing feeling to be able to speak freely about what I feel and think and not have to worry about if I will be chastised for it or not. I do not hate JW's, I do not believe the way they do, I just finally get to be myself. Unfortunately it has a family. I can only hope and pray things work the way god has meant for them to. I greatly appreciate all the support and love that has been shown to me, thank you.

  • Quentin

    Anniegril, good to hear from you. It is an amazing feeling, being able to openly say what's on your mind. Unconditional love is what you will find here, no judgment.

    I was raised a jw, twenty plus years, read my bio, in fact read as many bio's as you can find, Some folks include theirs in their profile, some don't. Read as many as you can find, it'll be an eye opener. Puruse the best of section as well.

    When you feel comfortable tell us a little more about yourself. Your dreams, hopes and fears. There will always be someone that can talk with you about any issue. Wishing you the best as you sort things out.

  • anniegirl76

    Quentin, I have read your bio...a couple times. I still have my moments where I feel I shouldn't be here or maybe I don't belong, does that make sense? anyway maybe you can help me with my issue, how can I post my bio on my profile? I can't seem to figure it out. I have a story but the worst parts were on me, my own stupid decisions. I did learn from them though. I'm trying to get things worked out, there's a woman who was gracious enough to let me borrow her books, crisis of conscience and the one that follows that by ray franz. I'm anxious to recieve them and start reading. I'm hoping the books will allow me to validate or justify the feelings I have toward this mess. thank you.

  • Quentin

    I'm sorry Anniegril the forum changed format several years ago and I can't find a way to get back to my own profile. I know it can be done because some folks have changed their avatars. Can anyone help Annie with this?

  • godrulz

    How do I get rid of my dumb avatar?

  • Quentin

    Beats me, someone knows how.....

  • godrulz

    I don't want to cause JWs to stumble with my Christmas tree avatar I did not choose?!

  • transhuman68

    This is the site for changing your avatar. It should work if you follow every step of the instructions. Good luck.

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