I you run into a JW on the street handing out magazines and have a brief encounter with them what do you think the one best thing to leave them with in the hope of getting them to start thinking for themself. Do you think it is best to tell them about a website? A false prophecy or what?
What is the best thing to say to a JW
by I quit! 23 Replies latest jw friends
I personally would probably talk with them about coming to Jesus.
Jesus said, "Come to me and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28, but JWs never seem to find this rest.
He told the Pharisees that they searched the scriptures but refused to come to him to get life. John 5:39-40
He also said that he was the only way to the Father, not any organization. John 14:6
Christians in the Bible prayed to Jesus (Stephen in Acts 7, Paul and Ananias in Acts 9, the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 1:2, Paul in 2 Corinthians 12, etc.) but the WTS seems to think this is wrong.
In this way, I would hope to get him to focus on Jesus and plant the thought that it's the WTS that is keeping from doing what the NT says to do in order to have life.
"Tell me more about yourself."
I follow Steve Hassan's method of coaxing the natural person to the fore, without threatening the cult personality. Treat all Witnesses the same, and you will get the same cult response back.
Ask an individual question; learn about their hopes and dreams, ambitions and talents, and you will be given the key to their release.
How do you follow up if he tells you he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses and his interest is in working full time to preach the good news of Jehovah's kingdom because Armageddon is just around the corner, after which he plans to pet lions all day on a paradise earth?
I'm sure we've all met JWs like that...
Cult JW's are all alike. The natural person underneath is unique. If a cult personality parrots at me, I look through him/her to the far distance and say blankly, "That's nice...now, are you from around here?" Or I give it up for the day.
I had a nice conversation with a sister about the marvels of technology over lunch at the Circuit Assembly. Then her cult training kicked in and she told me of course the marvels in paradise will be so superior.... I looked at her oddly and ended the conversation.
Over time, you reward the natural personality without alerting the cult personality that anything is amiss.
Hi jgnat, thanks for you insights and you have some great ideas if a JW believes that you are a JW and you do not want to expose how you truly feel. What ideas do you have for talkingt to a JW if you are a former JW, for responding to a JW who knocks on your door, for a family member talking to a person who is in bible study, and for a non-JW friend talking to a JW? It seems that a person must have a lot of self-control to let go of a conversation when a JW goes into cult mode.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Hi, Fine, Bye.........
I quit!
I like "Tell me more about yourself" Jgnat. I think that is a good thing to say to keep walls from going up right away and to know how to proceed.
The best thing to say to a JW is "I QUIT!"
In all seriousness I have never hard that experience yet, but I'm sure it's not far off. I'm gonna wait till it happens and see what comes out.