How active are you?

by free2beme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • robson

    I thought it was about active in the cong. However as contrary to the JW thoughts I work out at a gym 4 days a week 3 hours and I haven't told anyone I do that cause they have said is a waste of time so I keep it for myself. I ride my bike for at least one hour daily and because I was in sports throughout school I competed in track and soccer it was fun the best time of my life so far achieving great goals as a JW meant not sharing your accomplishments with anyone. I always act tupid like I don't know how to play basketball and beat them all the time is fun. Active as you can call it yeah no big deal in the cong yeah especially in field service yes that too.

  • yknot

    oy..... I can't wait until the April campaign ends!!!

    Then it is back to my FS slacker ways ( and uninterrupted gym time)

  • TheLoveDoctor

    I lift at least 3 times a day and i mean (my fork) yes getting overwait and know it. food and i have such a close relationship

  • free2beme

    My sister in law said to me the other day, "I here that as we age, it is harder to loss weight." I replied, "No, it is that we become to comfortable with gaining weight." If you think about it, it makes sense. We get comfortable and say things like, "Take me as I am" and "This is me, like it or not." Which is a lot of how we feel inside, as we age to be happy within our own skin. However, what is the first thing every divorced person I meet does. Loss weight, get fit. Why? Because inside all of us gaining weight, is a voice saying "You could do better, you don't look healthy in that mirror anymore." So I say, hear the voice and admit it.

  • ssn587

    I am 25 lbs smaller than when i went to college many many moons ago. Can actually wear a jacket i had in High School and it still fits well, also my clothing is the same exact size as when i was a senior in HS. See inside of gym 3 days a week, and work out at home daily. it's in my blood.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I go to the gym twice a week (two hour workout weight resistance training each time). I ride my bike there (5 miles round trip). I walk to work/school twice a week (4 miles round trip). This has curbed my desire for junk food and I feel better at all levels (mentally, emotionally and physically). It has become addicting since the endorphins make me feel great. I lost 20 lbs since August last year and can easily fit into my ol' 32 inch waist Levi's 501 jeans.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • james_woods

    The book on the Mercury astonauts "The Right Stuff" says that every single one of them believed that excersize could cause brain damage - all except for (later Senator) John Glenn.

    They also all drove Corvettes and "socialized" with the astonaut groupy girls of the time - all except for John Glenn.

    My personal inclination was with the Corvette guys, but of course history records that Glenn was the first American to orbit the planet.

    I remind you though, that Allan Shepard was first into space, if not orbit.

    I also would note that the so-called forgotten man on that team - Deke Slayton, was a truly superb pilot. I got to see him fly a Formula 1 race in the 1990s - long after his retirement from NASA.

  • free2beme

    I just want to say, I am happy to see a lot of people here are very active. <clapping>

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