I was at home this morning typing up a couple legal documents for some general contractors to sign that were going to be doing some tree removal on my property, when I get a visit from a sister in the hall I used to attend. She usually stops by at least once a week. I haven't been to meetings for over a year now and didn't attend memorial this year, but she was quick to remind me how I missed out. She then pulled out a watchtower, (the dumbed down version worldly version) and proceeded to talk to me as if I were around the age of 2 1/2 about the ransom! I was shocked at how she was to explaining to me what Jesus came here for and what he died for, and all in the most patronizing way humanly possible! I couldn't even get a word in edgewise. She also went through the rest of the mag and briefly touched on other points that I already knew and tried to tell her I knew but she ignored what I had to say. I've been a baptized witness for 20 years, why do I need someone to come to my house to preach to me about the ransom as if I have forgotten what it is or it is about?! But then I thought about how others that she preaches to out in service might feel about this way of when she is presenting this info to them, I wonder if they feel the same as I did. It took me all I had to not say something rude, for one thing I know now that the only reason she shows up is not to encourage me but to get her hours in for the month. After she left I felt so very drained and angry.
Most humiliating...
by Igot2bme 19 Replies latest jw friends
Why do you allow this person to keep coming to your house? You're not friends with her, I dont understand why you keep letting her in.
The witnesses believe that you have to be 'simple' not to believe the way they do. Obviously, no one has explained it to you correctly before. They don't realize that shallow thinking is required to accept JW doctrine.
Yes, why do you let her keep coming?
I really resent that JW's think once you've left that you automatically forget everything that you were taught. I've told them more than once that just because I left it doesn't mean I forgot everything, it just means I don't believe it anymore.
man in black
is she an elderly lady ?
If so I can understand the respect reason as to why you let her keep coming each week, but start by not answering the door
I have known her for 19 years, but she is like a part of my husbands family so he has known her for longer. I just noticed though today how she had been talking to me as if I was just some random stranger who never even heard of any of what she was presenting to me. It was like she never knew me at all. I think that is what got me. I spoke to my husband and I told him I was very upset and that we needed to do something about these visits and put a stop to them one way or another. He agreed.
Right as if because you don't believe there most be something wrong with you. Like they're thinking maybe you don't get it I'll explain it slower this time. But really they don't get it. Just think there is 7million of them not all that intense but most thinking they're right and everyone else wrong living a fantasy. Most of us did to some degree. But it is insulting they keep telling you aboot your sty while they're rafter is unmistaking.
Avoidance ca be a good thing.
I guess that's one of the benefits of being DF'd, I don't have to listen to that anymore. I hated running into someone, and getting the (head tilted looking all concerned) "How are you doing?". It's more like "something must be seriously wrong with you for you to stay away so long?" Now they just stay away.
I've been a baptized witness for 20 years, why do I need someone to come to my house to preach to me about the ransom as if I have forgotten what it is or it is about?!
You just need to have a litte more humility Sista' (yuk yuk)
(I'm assuming you are a sister because unless she was wearing a head covering, a Witness woman would never talk to a Brother like that would she ?)