June 15th WT - WT Society Pressures JW Parents to Indoctrinate Children

by flipper 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elorm

    No I am not JW, but I am a Christian. However, it does not take much to see the comments here are from people who have a lot of hate in their hearts for Christian values.

  • thetrueone

    A sickening aspect of this cult is early indoctrination of impressionable children, pressured to get baptized well before

    these young ones know all of the encompassing personal involvement.

    Hooking them while they are young works to create more obedient submissive slaves for the organization.

    The parents have to be partially responsible with this endeavor for they are more the prime pressuring instigators for

    pushing their children further and deeper into this destructive corruption.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Were the people who write this crap ever teenagers, at any point in their lives? They try to instill guilt into young people for simply wanting to be normal.

  • Poztate

    When my Daughter was about 15 she "wanted" to be baptized. It was the usual reasons namely peer pressure,elder pressure and a push from her Mother.

    I strongly discouraged it and had a "private talk" with her outlining some of my concerns about the control factor of the borg and the ever present fear or threat of disfellowshiping.

    I also talked to a few elders and got them to back off. I expressed my thought that until someone was old enough to say NO to the borg and quit the WT they were not old enough to say YES and get dunked. One of the elders actually agreed with that position.

    Fast forward three years after that and my Daughter is happily OUT with no baptism and thus no fear of DF'ing hanging over her head.

    This lying cult should never be allowed to baptize children. The stakes are too great.

  • sabastious
    Therefore, why stop with these accusations at the JW's? Why don't you direct these accusations at God himself who asked his followers to inculcate those values and teachings you condemn in their children?

    That's a complicated question. Welcome to the forum!


  • sabastious
    No I am not JW, but I am a Christian. However, it does not take much to see the comments here are from people who have a lot of hate in their hearts for Christian values.

    Those are fighting words and I think you know it. Get ready to put up your dukes.


  • Poztate
    However, it does not take much to see the comments here are from people who have a lot of hate in their hearts for Christian values.

    JW's don't have Christian values they have WT values...... You are not a JW..interesting I would hazard a guess that your parents are or your siblings are JW's.... Just a guess.

  • thetrueone

    accusing JW's of child abuse because they encourage their children to worship God leave me gasping in disbelief

    Elorm have you really read the bible in its entirety, if you did you would see the true values of the god of the ancient Israelites.

    Here's a web site to help you out on your evaluation of this great loving god and how he was worshiped by those ancients (Yahweh)


    Men (religionists) who endeavor to empower themselves by using gods are decisively corrupt, lying and dangerous men.... fact !

  • nugget

    Elorm you are not a witness so do not fully appreciate the impact of what is being discussed here. In a church children may be nutured and encouraged to get baptised. If later the child gets involved in other pursuits and has less time to spend on church activities their parents will not treat them as a dead person, they will not be shunned by their family, friends and associates in the church, they will not be thrown out of the house because they did not conform. In the Jw religion these things happen to baptised people if they make an error later in life or if they no longer accept JW teachings. Churches do not excommunicate members for fornication, drunkeness, buying a lottery ticket, joining the military, having a girlfriend/boyfriend who is not a member of the religion, or questioning specific doctrines JWs do even if it is a moment of weakness. If you are not baptised you can still maintain contact with family if you are baptised you are dead to them, they will not permit you to visit and may not even tell you if they are dying in hospital.

    People getting baptised into such a group must be in no doubt that this is what they want and have a chance not only to embrace JW doctrine but know what they are rejecting. This is not christianity as you know it, we are talking about a high control group.

    Don't assume that as a group we have not christian principles or courage many live by a much higher human code than they ever did as a witness including a wish to protect minors from the destructive influence of a cult.

  • scary21

    IMO the Jw now beleive in infant baptism...What is the difference between 6 months or 6 years?..What ever happened to following Jesus example? Pick and choose ....we will follow Jesus example in this matter...but not on this matter.....house to house Yes, baptism NO ... Cathlics wrong, JW right.

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