Bringing a fart machine to meeting

by Loljesus 10 Replies latest social humour

  • Loljesus

    I seen this cool youtube video with a guy who had a fart machine in a library
    I thought, why not bring it to meeting?

  • wobble

    Did something similar !

    We were meeting the C.O for the Elders and Minsers combined meeting during his visit, so I put a "whoopee" cushion ,under another cushion, on the seat I was sure the C.O was going to sit on.

    Unfortunately an Elder came in and bagged this seat before the C.O turned up, as the Elder sat down there was a long fart noise so I asked :

    "Had a good dinner bro ?" The assembled fell about laughing, it was a shame that the consensus was not to quickly set it up again for the C.O, and he walked in anyway as we were discussing it, unaware of his narrow escape.

    I wonder why I was never appointed an Elder ? Is one of the qualfications that you've got to be serious ?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Me and a couple of friends brought a can of fart spray to the meeting, and took turns spraying it in the men's room. The reaction of people coming out was priceless.

  • poopsiecakes

    There's an app for that

  • MrFreeze

    I always like the idea of taking the chip out of those musical greeting cards and finding a way to stick them under the carpet. Unfortunately, I have neither the cajones nor the time or even care to try that. I wonder if the elders know I still have a key to the hall?

  • TheLoveDoctor

    or u can just use natural gas and watch them wonder. I always loved that especially when wiffee would look at me as if I did something wrong or didnt get up to go to the bathroom. Well were instructed to stay and not even miss the song so oops.

  • kurtbethel

    The noise of flatulence carries nearly the same level of intelligible information as spoken words at a meeting.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    The noise of flatulence carries nearly the same level of intelligible information as spoken words at a meeting.

    HA HA HA HA . . . LOL . . . yeah, the same message . . . it's gonna start to smell round here shortly.

  • andys

    I remember watchiing his videos, Jack Vale who invented the Pooter, I got another really good one download cat ringtones on your cell phone, hide somewhere and let the cat ringtones play, everyone will be looking around for a cat....................................

  • undercover
    I wonder if the elders know I still have a key to the hall?

    That just reminded me. I have still have a key to the last hall I attended. I was a defrocked MS but they forgot to ask for the key. And then I went MIA and they must've forgotten that I ever had one. Surely, they've changed the locks by now.

    The security code for the alarm system was "1935". Guess they had to change that...

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