I don't say much, but this could be the week!
This may be the week I blow my stack
by Sargeant Pepper 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Which stack? Ha, ha! I thought that was funny....ok...
So, do you want us to give you some help? You have to throw us more of your story. Otherwise, I will ask you to please not to blow your stack. It would make a mess.
Do you want to or do you want to avoid doing so?
Could you bring in an escort? I hear they are good at talking.
some stacks need blowing
Make it a good one and then tell us about it!
Whats bothering you ?
Venting is good, so say the psychologists.
Sargeant Pepper
My sister died last week. She and my parents are active JWs.
The funeral is tomorrow at the KH.
I was Dfd years ago after I had stopped attending for about a year.
I have a good relationship with my parents but the grand shunning session tomorrow will put a lot of strain on what is already going to be an emotional day. I just hope that the 'loving arrangement' does not put me or my non JW wife in any awkward situations.
I have already been told that I cannot say anything at the cremetorium as a hardline CO will be in attendance.
Don't JWs just love their labels.
SP, I wish you luck, that sounds like quite an experience looming. Don't hesitate to post here if you are feeling odd and down. Lots of encouraging people here that will gladly lend you their time
Your there out love and respect of your sister and perhaps the rest of your family, your not being there for the sake of
this religion .
I went to a Catholic funeral last week for a friend I've known for few years, talk about a weird experience.
There was a social afterward, thankfully there wasn't a word spoken about religion.
There is hardly a need to blow your stack over some elses mistake and the choices they have made.
Be cool go for the ride be with your parents in support.