Hi George, and Welcome. Glad you have come to have a look and have your say. I look forward to hearing some of your thoughts.
Hello everyone..
by Georges. 35 Replies latest jw friends
I am going to reiterate what was said on another thread that PP did this on... Let the poster decide for themselves!!! With the HUGE amount of information and posts on all kinds of subjects Watchtower-related, I'd like to think that people peruse the site before making their first post. I think that anyone worth their salt as a human being would know what they are getting into before posting on a site like this, ESPECIALLY since active JW's are deterred from posting on the internet per the WTBTS. If an active JW is going to go against the WTBTS admonition to steer clear of places such as this, maybe they are genuinely curious as to what the fuss is all about.
Give people the benefit of the doubt that they are adults capable of making their own decisions. Just because he is a JW doesn't mean he is unwelcome here. And, honestly, if he wasn't alerted to the "apostafied" nature of this site, a few posts by certain ones would make it clear (love the Millionaire pics, moshe!). Then, he would be faced with the choice as to whether to continue on with us, or bid us adeu. In either case, it's not your place, PP, to run screaming onto this thread and scare him away...or any threads by new posters who are active JW's. They are welcome here. Scaring them off isn't going to help them. It's only going to solidify the "big bad apostate" mentality that we ALL who were JW's were indoctrinated with. Is that what you want?
This is a forum where people of all faiths (or lack thereof) can discuss any subject. It started as a JW board and JW's are still very welcome to post.
On that note, WELCOME GEORGES... I hope you will come back and take part in this community.
It's now 6am in France, George has either gone to work or passed out. I'm going to bed , myself now- night all.
Bonjour George and welcome to the board!
Philadelphia Ponos
What's the best that can happen? . . . they may find something here that matches doubts they may be harbouring, (as with many JW's) and read something that initiates their passage out of a dangerous cult.
Yeah right! If that had any chance of happening then I would be all for it. It was clear however based on Moshe post that what typically happens when a active JW comes here was getting ready to take place. Moshe couldn't let 15 minutes go by before acting like an a$$.
Let the poster decide for themselves!!!
This is exactly what I did. I told him what type of site he was on so he could make a decision on if he wanted to post here or not. I didn't tell him to leave. I simply gave him accurate information so he could make an informed decision.
In either case, it's not your place, PP, to run screaming onto this thread and scare him away...or any threads by new posters who are active JW's. They are welcome here. Scaring them off isn't going to help them.
I don't understand why you keep using the word "scare". The only thing I did was give accurate information about the nature of this site. I believe new members are entitled to know what type of site this is, especially when they show a clear misunderstanding.
Murray Smith
OK . . . I give up!
Keep doing the WT's work for them!
Philadelphia Ponos
Keep doing the WT's work for them!
We all know being up front and honest is certainly not what the Watchtower does. Being less than honest with people in order to try to convert them however is exactly what the Watchtower does. That appears to be habit all of you still have.
How very strange that a relative newbie comes along and wants to police how newbies are welcomed? I think I'll stick to the conventional style.
Hello George and welcome to the forum.... I hope it benefits you...it's a good place to be.
Loz x
Philadelphia Ponos
Policing how newbies are welcome. Notifying active JWs who think they are on a pro-JW forum that they are not. Explain to me how you managed to confused the two? Surely you're not that simple minded.
Hey Phil...
It's perfectly fine to point out to clueless still-in JW newbs that this isn't a pro-JW website in a smart-alec kind of way. It's perfectly fine to point out their gullibility and LOL at them. What is the point of policing the issue? If they want to stay on and spew pro-JW apologist crap, that's their beeswax AND they WILL pay a price for it. Nine times out of Ten though, these morons will quickly realize that "OMG! This is a 'poztate website!" and they'll disappear on their own. No need to make a big issue out of it.
As for you Georges, you really should look before you leap! Read through some threads and comments BEFORE you join a forum of any kind. Does the word GULLIBLE mean anything to you? Have you not listened to anything the WTS warned you about when it comes to the interenet? It's crawling with apostates and opposers. OMG! If you want to stay around and learn the truth about "The Truth" feel free to stay...
Have fun here... or not.