Good News to Share...My Wife Said to me...

by onemore 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I felt a lot peace inside when she said that to me…I knew that the struggle was over.

    That is exactly how I felt when I found out the real truth about the WTBS. It's amazing how peaceful my life has been since then. I'm so happy for you and your wife.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    To onemore, now there are twomore, and soon to be threemore.

    Reopened Mind

  • Magwitch

    It is all so exciting! Your wife is free and you are planning on a new baby. I am very jealous in the happiest of ways!

  • cantleave


  • onemore

    Thank you all for your encouraging comments. Believe me…I’m really looking forward on working on making that baby…LOL, I’m so happy that at least I’ll be able to offer his/her/them a life without so many meaningless and unnecessary restrictions.

    At first I thought that it was going to be a lost battle, with the WT as the victor. But at the end, honesty and integrity won. When I tried to help her see the light, I focused her attention on the human factor: “look around you, are the JW really happy”?, “listen to what’s being said from the platform, is this helping people cope? “why is everyone so depressed in the congregation?” “look at the elder’s attitude and fear mongering…is this biblical?” “why are they praying for (and almost to) the GB, why do they mention the FDS…GB so many times?” “what are we getting from going to the meetings, are we being edified or are we leaving empty, guilty…?” etc. At first I tried not to touch on any doctrinal issue nor on discrediting the Organization, that came later, naturally and on its own.

    Really, she arrived to her conclusions on her own, I just gave her a little push, I opened up a very small crack that let some light shine in… and the Governing Body, the elders and the CO did the rest for me!!! (again…guys, thank you! You made this all possible). The congregations, rather than being sheepfolds are turning into a hyena packs (the elder’s and their wives, pioneers, CO, DO) and a heard of burros (and I mean no insult, just what they are turning the JWs into). Any person looking for a healthy uplifting place to serve others will soon realize that the KHs are place for that. It was not the place for her, she saw the men behind the curtain, and they were the ones that exposed themselves with their spirit that permeated into the congregations.

    We are now looking forward to a good detox from all the crap that was feed to us. And again, more than joy…I feel peace.


  • GrandmaJones

    Congratulations, I am delighted for you.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    It would seem that your wife has a good heart. Learn together what a wondrous and beautiful place the world is.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    That has made my day.

    Enjoy your new futures.


  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith
    I don't care if she doesn't want to celebrate certain holydays, or if she still wants to believe in some of doctrines that are unique to the JW.

    When I first started cooling off I would tell PYRAMIDSCHEME, "I'm not going out in service any more or to the meetings, but I still want to attend convention." or "I will never celebrate holidays, that's just stupid."

    But once I realized there was no truth in the organization--which took a little time--I was ready to celebrate holidays and birthdays and I sure as hell am not spending money on another convention. What's the point?

    Your wife came to a profound awareness and you might be surprised how quickly she abandons the rest. As to having children, I hear holidays and birthdays are wonderful things to share with them.

  • Scully

    Congratulations! I'm very happy for you and your wife and your soon-to-be little one!

    I remember the relief I felt when Mr Scully (after months of me pointing out inconsistencies between what JWs preached - "love" - and what they actually practiced - bullying) finally said that he was done with the organization. There's not much that compares to the weight being lifted of knowing that you won't have to deal with the Divided Household™ thing and everything it entails.

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