In just a few days Reopened Mind and me will be taking that big trek up to the north country. We have hit very few road blocks in the last months getting ready for our move. Except one. We will not be able to get high speed Internet were we are moving to. What is funny our new neighbors on both sides of us have it but it is not available at our house. The carrier we will have up there have been real butt heads about the whole matter. They even went as far to tell us our neighbors are lying to us about having DSL. Then this phone company started saying our address does not exist. We know for a fact it is a 911 address. We had mail delivered their last year for 3 months. They gave us 3 numbers to call which they told us special reps. would help us solved the problem. All 3 numbers were non working numbers. Then they told us a higher up supervisor would call us in 24 hours to fix the problem. We didn't whole our breath. We never got the call. So now we are looking at satelite internet if we want high speed. We just found someone who will provide dial up. The only problem we have with that is this butt head phone company will have to give us a phone line. If this was your problem what would all you kind folks do? Thanks for listening and all the encouragement you all have been giving us. Hey I know maybe I can hook up string and a tin can to our computer. See you later. Totally ADD
Good bye to all
by TotallyADD 21 Replies latest jw friends
You have been awesome. Come back when you can!
Well we have different companies and specs over here, but I would start by finding out which provider the neighbour has and go with them. Also, are you quoting the right zip code etc, thinking it strange that your address didn't exist and that may be what is causing probs.
Oh Suger!!!!! I will sure miss you both. Isnt it awful how screwed up some of these
companies can be,,,, I sure hope it works out for you (HUGS) -
If you can't get DSL or cable in that area, then satellite is your best bet.
But another option is a cell data plan and then use a USB stick for your computer, IF there is decent cell coverage there. If you don't stream a lot of TV and movies from say Netflix, it could work alright.
Anyways...was just getting to know the two of you. Hope to see you back soon!
Bye for now ADD & family.
All the best to you
I hate to see a fellow ADDer disappear from here... but as long as you promise to come back here ASAP I wish the best for you in the meanwhile. Hope you get your new internet connection soon. See ya around.
To sabastious thank you for your kindness we will be back soon.
To ballistic we did it all that you brought out the phone company just does not care. Thanks for the suggestions.
To mouthy. My dear we will be back soon all 4 cats and 2 dogs oh yeah 2 humans. I think we are going satelite.
To Outlaw. yes living out in the country can sometimes be the pits. I want to do what you said but they swear that it's not a real address so no one will come out.
Thank you Clarity we will try to be safe.
Vampire you are not going to lose me that easy. All I have to do is to remember to take my medicine. See you on the dark side of the moon.
Thanks guys. Totally ADD
Is there any chance you may be able to work out a deal with one of your two neighbors(closest one) that have DSL where you're moving?
In other words ask them if you paid the difference could they maybe upgrade their service on dsl and allow you to connect with a wireless hub/router?
Of course this is all dependent on how close you are to them. Won't work if the distance is to great.
The reason I ask this is I'm aware of someone who had similar issues and basically told the phone company to go screw themselves after getting the run around and talked to their neighbor and had a great turnout doing just what I described.
But all of this would depend on distance of your house from theirs and how much bandwidth they are currently allocated and if they can even upgrade to a higher speed dsl.
But anyhow hope you can find some resolution to this and can eventually join us from your new location.