Open Letter to The leaders of Christendom

by nytelecom1 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1
    Your premise was that this board relies on old news.

    actually it was .."just when the antis think they
    have gotten the holy grail of bringing down the dies
    sooner or later"

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    Gee Nytel..

    You make a piss poor teach.
    Why don't you sit down and
    learn somthing for a change.

    You may want to enroll in
    English as a second language
    to start with, then Grammer 101.

    It will do you wonders in your
    career with the cleaning crews.

  • nytelecom1

    Lurkers take note:

    You may want to enroll in
    English as a second language
    to start with, then Grammer 101 students...can you remember???
  • dubla

    *yawn* is right, your trolling act has mold spores multiplying on it.


  • 68storm

    Mr. Creamjeans.(I hope you dont mind TR, but it has a lovely ring to it.)

    As per an aquiantance of mine, her comments to me about the beliefs of your CULT and I qoute " I sincerly appreciate your CULT'S servitude. Since I am High Pagan and my religion was the first on this planet I believe I have seniority before any other. I am happy to know that my people will have several thousand devoted slaves to do our bidding in our next reincarnation. I truly believe that All J-Ho's would make excellent Catholic Priests or Franciscan Monks, as per your own oath requires servitude. I claim first rite. Blessed Be.
    Maybe if you are really nice to me I could talk her into allowing you to become a nun instead.


  • Gopher


    Sorry, I'm not a mind reader. I guess I misinterpreted your original premise, although you seem to clearly enough have stated it.

    So now the premise changes to:

    just when the antis think they
    have gotten the holy grail of bringing down the dies
    sooner or later
    Well is that OUR premise? I think you misinterpret it. I understand it that we are here to help those who lurk and those have just started posting to get the support and understanding they need, so that they can clearly see why leaving the JW's is the best decision they could have ever made!

    Just like the WTS makes converts one at a time, we "antis" can help those who leave, one at a time.

    These major events like the UN Scandal, the scandal where each kingdom hall is potentially a pedophile sanctuary, the no-blood card mini-scandal, all are nails in the coffins in the minds of those who can see.

    This place of course will never bring down the WT Society. That disintegration will take place on its own over a period of decades.

    And this place will never convince those like yourself, trapped in the JW mindset, that truly that organization is not anything near what it claims to be. So sorry for you that you cannot see it.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • expatbrit


    Why do you bother?


  • Gopher


    I guess I have too much time on my hands today!!!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • nytelecom1
    So now the premise changes to

    actully it just didnt understand or rather chose
    to see something you had already decided on.

    I think you misinterpret it. I understand it that we are here to help those who lurk and those have just started posting to get the support and understanding they need, so that they can clearly see why leaving the JW's is the best decision they could have ever made! must be kidding....attacks on the Governing Body
    and their sex lives, bodily functions.... personal attacks on members of the congergations...such as ignorant..uneducated...brainwashed..

    you consider this "helping those"..and "supporting those"..please
    spare me...I think you need to open your own eyes

  • LB

    Actually nytele it does work. No one leaves here after a few visits thinking "that's it, I quit". Still it puts doubts in their minds. I used to be a defender, like you think you are, back on H20 but eventually much of it sunk in.

    Want to know what helped? People like you. When I saw the mindless meanspirited comments made by JW's like you. That was really helpful, thank you so much.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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