Here, Here! dear WS (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!)... 'cept without the martini 'cause I'm on the wagon these days, perhaps perpetually (although that's not truly realistically, given how much I "adore" martinis... gin, of course and anything but Tanqueray/Blue Sapphire - extra dry, a little dirty, straight up, with extra olives...)...
Oh, sory, Miz Sylvie, deah (greatest 'o luv and piece t'ya'll, ma deah, deah sistah!). Almos' didn' see ya'll der. Ah sez almos'. Ya'll jus' ignor mah un-lady-lak alky-haul thankin' 'bout sef, deah wun. But ya'll aw'ta no'd dat wen we's finely duz get ta'rockin' t'getha on dat porch 'o yourn, we's may not be splittin' no wallamelon (lessen ya'llz inta wallamelon mawteenies, wich'n ah ain't).
Piece, mah deah chikkens!!!
Ya'llz sirvint, sistah, and fella slav 'o de Lawd,
Translation (for those who need it): Oh, sorry, Miss Sylvia, dear (the greatest of love and peace to you, my dear, dear sister!). Almost didn't see you there. I said almost. You just ignore my unladylike alcohol thinking about self, dear one. But you ought to know that when we finally do get to rockin' together on that porch of yours, we may not be splitting no watermelon (unless you're into watermelon martinis, which I ain't).