Star Trek was pivotal to me growing up and here is the best of it, imo

by sabastious 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita


    "I actually cried at the end of "The Inner Light" the first time I saw it. This one, along with Yesterday's Enterprise, and of course, The City on the Edge of Forever, were the absolute best."

    Me too. On all counts. His finding the flute at the end is what did it to me.


    "The original had a certain charm that can not be duplicated (although the latest movie was darn good, paying homage to the original). But TNG is the best. They really shouldn't be compared, it's like an awesome Beta version, and the finished product."

    You're right, they shouldn't be compared. Like apples and oranges. I was raised on the first one. As a child, before I saw my first episode, I used to read the TV guide. I would see Star Trek listed and thought it was about Hollywood stars. Only after seeing Spock's name repeatedly mentioned did I realize there was something else to it.

    I don't remember what my first episode was, but I do remember how elated I felt upon watching it. It was much better than Lost in Space.

  • Berengaria

    The thing that I think makes them both so great, is the character development. Stories are awesome, but if they were being played out by characters we didn't care about.....................

  • NomadSoul

    I got you know Charlie. I can see how it relates.

    I still think that going through that in the episode would be kind of scary. lol

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    LOL I agree living a lifetime to find out was in your mind.....

    To this day I have REAL dreams of my Old Family my kids are still kids..... I wake up holding back tears even thou I'm So happy where I am Today!

  • NomadSoul

    Oh yeah I've had those dreams before. The one's that make you appreciate the moment you're living and treat your family friends a bit nicer. The one's that wake you up at 4am in the morning and you don't go back to sleep but make you stay up all morning thinking about your life.

  • Igot2bme

    The inner light episode was my favorite one out of them all. I pulled it up on You Tube about 6 months ago for my daughter to watch, she enjoyed it. We both had teary eyes at the end.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Off topic Sorry but the Movie Jacob's Ladder reminds me of that episode and my old life....

    I would never trade my life now .......but still dream of the old days........

    it can HURT so MUCH!!!!

    Thanks for making me feel I'm not Crazy!!!... well U know LOL

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    The Inner Light may be the greatest episode of Star Trek ever produced. I remember the first time I saw it being completely blown every time they came back from a commercial and Picard had aged another 10-15 years. I was like WTF?!?!!!

    No Apologies

  • darthfader

    Beautiful episode. TNG is my favorite by far. I liked Voyager and Enterprise (which was just getting good whtn they canceled it). I never got into DS9. It was too steeped in political struggles for my liking.

    The new Star Trek "reboot" movie was awsome.

    I sometimes wonder if humans could ever progress far enough to fulfill some of our Science Fiction...

    I could really go for some synthahol or "Tea, Earl Grey.... hot!" (gotta love those replicators).

    May you all live long and prosper!

  • Berengaria

    Ahhh I can NOT have a cup of my favorite tea without having Picard's voice in my head!

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