Looking through the internet I learned that everything I have ever know to be true is a lie At the beginning of time God and his celestial family created the earth and the heavens. They are the greater force and also the fallen angels that are prophesized in the bible. They sped up the evolution in people separating them from monkeys. If nothing happened out of the ordinary with evolution then why are there still monkeys? Mother Mary was abducted and artificially impregnated without her knowingand sent down to earth, where it was recorded as a ‘miracle’. During the time of Moses angels appeared to him telepathically and told him to free his people. He saw the flames from their ship in a tree and thought it was an act of God. They moved the water for Moses to allow to cross the river. Afterwards they gave him and his people a list of rules to live there lives by. From honor your creators to simply to live a clean life without want. Angels have been coming to our planet since the beginning of time. Man has only invented flight during the past 100 years. We should learn to respect and fear the angels. … Some people need to check their facts before posting things on there internet
Everything i knew was wrong
by StopTheTears 63 Replies latest jw friends
It would be so nice if you weren't here.
Well at least you're not talking about sex again.
Some people need to check their facts before posting things on there internet
So far so good....
They sped up the evolution in people separating them from monkeys.
Mother Mary was abducted and artificially impregnated without her knowingand sent down to earth
During the time of Moses angels appeared to him telepathically and told him to free his people. He saw the flames from their ship in a tree and thought it was an act of God.
Ummm.....O-o-o-o-o K.....
Thats the colorless green ideas sleep furiously after the lighted nut swings, but the child exercises behind the massive dealer after each extraneous jerk sleeps in the exhibit. However, an ethic ruins this easiest relationship by looking at the industry kids under the world. Which then asks wow does the cat revolt under the enlightened wallet when his bigotry reverts.
I hope that cleared things up.
keyser soze
Some people need to check their facts before posting things on there internet
Their medication levels, too.
Mad Sweeney
I'm with sir and keyser. Also, BIG thanks to donny for clarifying everything!
From the time I was born, Lucifer knew I had a prophetic calling on my life, and that as an adult, I would grow up to become one of his arch enemies. I would learn as an adult how to expose, attack, and tear down his strongholds that he would create to control and destroy mankind.
My"mission" started by being born to a God fearing family. From my earliest childhood memories, I cannot remember a time when I did not know who Jesus was. I have loved Him since I can remember. When I was two years old, I was proclaiming His Name. By the age of 12 I had read the Bible from front to back, being partial to the book of Revelation. I also learned at a young age that other people didn’t experience quite the same things as I did. Looking back, I can now see that I was just more in tune with the spiritual world than anyone else I knew.
I pray daily that the Lord will show and teach me what He wanted me to learn and know.
Looking through the internet I learned that everything I have ever know to be true is a lie
Are you saying that everything that follows this ^ is a lie? I certainly hope so.